Monthly Archives: November 2022

Hey Nancy…YOU’RE FIRED!!!

Red Wave, my ass.  I reckon there’s a harder flow happening inside Dementia Joe’s Extra Strength Depends.

So, let me just rip the band aid off here…clearly, my prediction of 240 House seats and 52 Senate seats for the GOP was based on pretty unrealistic expectations.

So, as of this writing, the GOP just won their 220th House seat (majority is 218), probably reaching 221, possibly 222, when they get done counting…like, maybe by April Fools Day, if we’re lucky.  And anyone that thinks counting votes for weeks after an election is legit, is indeed A FOOL.

In the Senate, it’s currently 50-49 in favor of Dems, thereby retaining control regardless of what happens in the Dec. 6th Georgia runoff between football legend Herschel Walker and Marxist Rafael Warnock.

Although, it’s still critical for the GOP to win that seat for a myriad of reasons…not the least of which is with 51 seats, the Dems can tell Joe Manchin to F off.  That would suck. Continue reading