A Big Scam In The Big Apple

Russian collusion scam.  Phone call impeachment scam.  Jan 6th committee scam.

And the scam orgy continues…

You likely knew that New York Attorney General Letitia James has been investigating Donald Trump and his Real Estate empire for over three years now.

THREE.  EFFING.  YEARS.   With a fine tooth comb.

OK, let me back up just a smidge…

James ran successfully for New York AG four years ago, effectively and stunningly on a single platform…to take down President Donald Trump.  Some sort of electro-shock therapy might be advisable for this Marxist half-wit.

Now, THAT in and of itself unequivocally eviscerates, of course, the legitimacy of ANYTHING she would ever come forward with as far as ANY type of charge against Big Bad Orange Man.

This crooked broad is the poster child for politically motivated, selective prosecution.  Not that that ever dissuaded any Trump-hating federal or state jurisdiction from pursuing such corrupt endeavors.

Just another day in the life of The Donald…the most persecuted man who ever lived, bar none.

And NOW that this corrupt biyatch up for re-election again, lo and behold, she desperately and hurriedly gins up this nonsensical, politically motivated charge she promised four years ago.

Sort of like the political version of the dreaded “biological clock.”  Tick tock, tic tock.

Never mind that under her incompetent legal stewardship, her entire state…particularly NYC…is a f*cking cesspool with out of control crime, homelessness, etc.  Mentally ill drug addicts littering the streets with their feces, and bashing people over the head with bricks.

A city whose business climate has been virtually destroyed by the authoritarian Covid Nazi’s running the joint, and “no bail” policies created by George Soros funded DA’s that gleefully enable violent criminals to roam the streets to kill, beat, and rob people unfettered, and push unsuspecting straphangers on subway tracks almost daily.

But you know what?  New Yorkers deserve every last goddamn bit of the daily misery they endure for voting for these Commie Pinko assholes.  

I know I’m off point…but can someone please explain to me this endless ball-cupping of violent criminals by these America-hating subversives?  Like Barry Obama, I’m all ears.

Look…I don’t wish harm on anyone.  Never, ever, ever.  And I know those intellectually dishonest f*cks out there will completely mischaracterize the following.  Screw’em.

But maybe…just maybe…it will take the wife…daughter…mother…of one of these leftist bastards enacting these deadly policies…to be raped, murdered, and burned in a field to stop this shit.

Hit a little too close to home, ya know?  Why the hell shouldn’t THEY reap the abject misery of their own destructive policies?  It’s called “skin in the game.”  Eh…Just a thought.

But I digress.

Fast forward to a couple weeks ago or so, and this nauseating DA broad drags her disgusting fat ass in front of a microphone to declare to the world she’s throwing a civil suit Trump’s way for “bank fraud” or some shit.

Three years of f*cking investigations???  A civil suit?!?!  BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

You don’t think she worked her size XXXXXXXXL panties off for three-plus long years to find a criminal charge?  What a goddamn joke.

Basically, AG James is alleging Trump inflated the value of his assets as a way to obtain better loan terms from banks…basically, overvaluing collateral.  Like a million years ago.


The charge is a comical farce on its face.  MUST BE ELECTION TIME!!!

This brings me to a great article in the NY Post by Charlie Gasparino, a name you may recognize as an iconic business/investigative reporter for decades on CNBC and now Fox Business, and has known Trump personally for just as long.

In speaking with and of some heavyweights (intellectual, NOT fat ass Michael Moore heavyweights) in the real estate business, Gasparino writes, “Far from being surprised about the vast scope of Trump’s alleged deception, they were all amused that the story received such breathless attention from allegedly smart people in the chattering class.”

He continues…”Everyone in the business, and most of all Trump’s bankers, know he’s a blowhard.  Those bankers also do their own homework and ignore what’s on loan applications…particularly those from someone with Trump’s [reputation].  Moreover, Trump is hardly alone in a business filled with BS artists, which is why they say the case should be laughed out of court.”


Trump’s lawyers are rightly shitting on this whole TDS induced fraud.

They responded, in part, “New York Attorney General Letitia James ran on an anti-Trump campaign where she expressed grave antipathy and animus toward Mr. Trump.  AG James has referred to President Trump as an ‘illegitimate President’ and has vowed to ‘use every area of the law to investigate President Trump and his business transactions and that of his family as well.’

Just more Banana Republic shit that conjures images of a Brazilian Dole factory.

Lastly, Gasparino spoke to John Myers, the retired head of GE Asset Management whose professional life was completing tons of such transactions, working under the legendary CEO Jack Welch, who poses an interesting question…

These high valuations may not be true but the banks and other sophisticated financial institutions do their own due diligence on valuations, and basically could care less what Trump’s valuation was.  Plus, the loans were all repaid, so who was the victim?”

Trump.  Trump’s the victim.  That’s who.

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