Daily Archives: October 13, 2022

A Big Scam In The Big Apple

Russian collusion scam.  Phone call impeachment scam.  Jan 6th committee scam.

And the scam orgy continues…

You likely knew that New York Attorney General Letitia James has been investigating Donald Trump and his Real Estate empire for over three years now.

THREE.  EFFING.  YEARS.   With a fine tooth comb.

OK, let me back up just a smidge…

James ran successfully for New York AG four years ago, effectively and stunningly on a single platform…to take down President Donald Trump.  Some sort of electro-shock therapy might be advisable for this Marxist half-wit.

Now, THAT in and of itself unequivocally eviscerates, of course, the legitimacy of ANYTHING she would ever come forward with as far as ANY type of charge against Big Bad Orange Man.

This crooked broad is the poster child for politically motivated, selective prosecution.  Not that that ever dissuaded any Trump-hating federal or state jurisdiction from pursuing such corrupt endeavors.

Just another day in the life of The Donald…the most persecuted man who ever lived, bar none.
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