Ok, before I get started on my rant du jour, I must address the passing of Queen Elizabeth II at the ripe old age of 96.

70 years at the helm.  Incredible.

Regardless of what one may think about the “Monarchy” as an institution, you just gotta LOVE this woman.  No nonsense, no whining, no bullshit…love it.  And with all the crap she’s had to put up with from her…let’s be candid…royally dysfunctional family.

All of the whiny leftist wimpy dough boys (dough people?), and the perpetually offended in our country and around the globe can take a lesson from The Queen’s “keep calm and carry on” and “stiff upper lip” vibe.

So, to Her Majesty The Queen…Rest In Peace.

King Charles undoubtedly has ginormous shoes to fill…or pumps, as it were.

Anyway…is it just me, or is the recent busing and flying of illegal immigrants by GOP Governors to various deep blue sanctuary cities and states the greatest f*cking thing that’s happened in a long, long time?

I mean, I’m almost giddy about it.  No, scratch that.  Not “almost giddy.”  Totally and officially giddy.

It’s just so effing brilliant on so many levels.  Sure, it highlights the open border Armageddon that President Poopy Pants had unleashed on the country, with its associated death and misery…all virtually ignored by the corrupt media frauds.

But what REALLY juices my aforementioned giddiness is the ridiculous, over-the-top, mind-numbing hypocritical conniptions by Democrats and the media.

I mean, these are same the f*cking people who threw their fraudulent virtue signaling in your face, crowing for years about how they were these proud sanctuary cities and states, they would welcome any and all illegal immigrants and provide them safe haven, benefits, etc.

And the rest of us were anti-immigrant, anti-Hispanic bigots.

But you send these assholes a couple dozen illegals on a bus…while tiny border towns get thousands a day…AND THEY COMPLETELY LOSE THEIR SHIT?!?!

Ladies and Gentlemen…I give you…The NOT IN MY BACK YARD! Democrat party.


So, for a while now, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has been wonderfully spreading the wealth of the pain and misery of illegal immigration, sending bus after bus to NYC, DC, Chicago.   

I mean, these virtue signaling pontificators wailed for years about their “sanctuary city” status, advocated for open borders, and how much they wanted these people…did they not?

So what’s your beef, Libtards?

Then they get a handful…a tiny speck of a fraction of what every southern border town GETS EVERY GODDAMN DAY…and they have deafening conniptions.  Declaring states of emergency, threatening to bring legal action against the various GOP Governors who now are moonlighting as travel agents.

Gov. Abbott just dropped a bunch right in front of Comma-La’s house…the VP residence at the Naval Observatory.  It’s been reported that several of them couldn’t take the constant cackling, and begged to be returned to their respective shit hole countries ASAP.

One was quoted as saying, “Forget it.  I’ll just walk.”

Great as that was…and make no mistake, it WAS great…I must give the Wisenheimer Award to our next President and current Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who paid to fly 50 illegals from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard.

MARTHA’S F*CKING VINEYARD!   How wonderfully mischievous.  That’s so DeSantis.

Me thinks there’s a little friendly competition brewing between Abbott and Ronnie.

It’s a wonderful little game now.  Let’s think of the bluest “sanctuaries” with the biggest, hypocritical, elitist, lefty blow-hards, and send them a few hundred illegals.

Rodeo Drive?  Biden’s Delaware beach house?  God, this is so much fun, I’m gonna bust.  I hope it never ends.


So get a load of this one…California Commie Governor Gavin Newsome is actually suggesting the Feds prosecute these GOP Governors for kidnapping.

There’s not enough electricity in the entire People’s Republic of California to electro-shock that bastard into any semblance of coherence.

Not to be outdone…and clearly driven by her addiction to eternal relevance…even Hillary Clinton took a pause from her weekly liposuction to call the Martha’s Vineyard alien drop “human trafficking.”

No words for such asinine gibberish.  Even for the perpetually long-winded, like yours truly.

Although DeSantis DID have some words, saying of Newsome…”I think his hair gel is interfering with his brain function.”


Their whole f*cking party has brain function issues…hair products aside…if you ask me.

Correct me if I’m wrong…but hasn’t the Biden administration been busing and flying thousands of illegals all over the country to dozens of cities in an attempt to obscure the border mayhem he purposely created…under a shroud of secrecy in the dead of night, mind you…for the last year and a half?

And this is somehow different from Red State Governors doing precisely the same thing?  How exactly?  Should we charge Biden with kidnapping and human trafficking too?

Oh wait. Two-tiered justice system.  Almost forgot…my bad.

DeSantis, a dude who clearly revels in shining a blinding bright light on the rampant, mind-blowing hypocrisy of Progressives, also had this to say…”The minute even a small fraction of what those border towns deal with every day are brought to their front door, they all of a sudden go berserk.”

I’m a numbers guy so let’s illustrate this numerically…

According to the Wall Street Journal…New York City, with a population in excess of 8 million, has received about 10,000 migrants.  Mayor Eric Adams says the city is “nearing its breaking point.”

Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker laughably declared a state of emergency AND authorized National Guard troops after a mere 500 migrants were dumped on Chicago…population of almost 3 million.

Is this mental defective kidding?  500?  I’ll pause for a moment until the laughing dies down.

Contrast that with, say, Yuma, Arizona, who has sucked up 250,000 migrants just this year.  Their population is 100,000.  And every other border city in Texas and Arizona are dealing with similarly insane numbers.

That would be the equivalent of NYC getting bombarded with 20 million illegals.


So please…spare me your feigned f*cking outrage at the tiny southern border towns being annihilated by Joe Biden’s open borders, shipping off a few illegals to large cities and states that puffed-out their chests and fraudulently virtue-signaled for years about their phony-ass sanctuary city status.


Or as a real writer, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist at the NY Post, Michael Goodwin, recently said of Democrats…”Their hypocrisy is a thing to behold and the GOP Governors deserve an award for delivering a comeuppance for the ages.”

Comeuppance, indeed.

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