Monthly Archives: September 2022


Ok, before I get started on my rant du jour, I must address the passing of Queen Elizabeth II at the ripe old age of 96.

70 years at the helm.  Incredible.

Regardless of what one may think about the “Monarchy” as an institution, you just gotta LOVE this woman.  No nonsense, no whining, no bullshit…love it.  And with all the crap she’s had to put up with from her…let’s be candid…royally dysfunctional family.

All of the whiny leftist wimpy dough boys (dough people?), and the perpetually offended in our country and around the globe can take a lesson from The Queen’s “keep calm and carry on” and “stiff upper lip” vibe.

So, to Her Majesty The Queen…Rest In Peace.

King Charles undoubtedly has ginormous shoes to fill…or pumps, as it were. Continue reading