Quack Judges and Illegal Warrants

So, the whole world seemed to hold its collective breath until the Department of Corruption (DOC)…formerly known as the DOJ…graced us all with the expected heavily redacted Mar-A-Lago affidavit, the supposed evidentiary basis behind the stunning raid of a former President’s residence…less than three months before a critical mid-term election.

By design, it told us nothing.

At the same time, these shysters did their best imitation of Dementia Joe’s leaky bladder with their drip, drip, drip of narrative-building leaks to their media whores at the Washington Post and NY Times…exactly like they did during the years-long Russian Collusion Hoax.

We’re in our seventh year of this shit.  Seven f*cking years.

While this latest Hail Mary by the Deep Staters to GET TRUMP! is the political equivalent of Doug Flutie’s historic heave into the end zone down in Miami in 1984…it certainly won’t be the last.

Let’s harken back to the very beginning to expose the crumbling foundation of the scam…

So…one must ask themselves why these corrupt TDS whack jobs took their unconstitutional warrant to a U.S. Magistrate Judge by the name of Bruce Reinhart, and not, ya know, a REAL Federal District Court Judge?

I mean, if you’re gonna blow up the country by doing something so outrageous, so overtly political, as to raid a former President’s residence…purportedly over a document dispute, shitting on a well-over two century norm…wouldn’t you AT LEAST go to a full-on Presidential appointed, Senate confirmed Federal Judge?

Why in Sam F*cking Hell would you go to a Magistrate?  You know what a Magistrate is?  It’s someone appointed by a real Federal Judge to do low level legal grunt work.

A REAL judge would never have approved an unconstitutional warrant.  THAT’’S WHY!!

And why Reinhart specifically?  Because Reinhart is a documented Trump hater who these crooks had all tee’d up, waiting in the wings to rubber stamp this whole con job.

It seems Reinhart made highly negative and inflammatory social media posts about Trump.  One such Twitter post related to the late Congressman John Lewis…

Donald Trump doesn’t have the moral stature to kiss John Lewis’s feet.”  Some “judge” this guy is.  What a partisan fraud.

And way worse shit…but good luck finding any of it.  Most have been taken down.

RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION, no doubt.  Bahahahaha!!

There was enough of this stuff out there that Reinhart actually recused himself from being a judge in a civil lawsuit filed by Trump against Crooked Hillary vis-a-vis the Russian Collusion Scam.

So let me get this straight…

This quack Judge RECUSES HIMSELF recently from another case involving Trump, specifically due to his admitted anti-Trump bias…but he gladly signs-off on this outrageous unconstitutional warrant?  Against…Trump??

Are you f*cking kidding me?  Can ANYONE coherently explain ANY of this?

That was a rhetorical question.

And I don’t keep referring to this purely political warrant as “unconstitutional” for shits and giggles…which happen to be the Secret Service code names for Joe and Comma-La.

So…humor me for a moment, and read the 4th Amendment…

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, AND PARTICULARLY DESCRIBING THE PLACE TO BE SEARCHED, AND THE PERSONS OR THINGS TO BE SEIZED.

Those last words in caps provide the money shot, if you will, of the unequivocal and unambiguous unconstitutionality of the Mar-A-Lago warrant.

Particularly the word “particularly.”  Ya know what that means?  Let me save you the time of searching for your Merriam-Webster.


And I’ll slow walk this for the shit-for-brains Libs…


The warrant said…and I’ll paraphrase…ANYTHING from Trump’s ENTIRE PRESIDENCY was fair game.  And if a sought after document was located in a box somewhere, you can take not only THAT whole box…but ANY OTHER BOXES in the same area.

OH really?  Is that so?  How about last night’s leftover Kung Pao Chicken from the Wun Hung Lo Chinese Buffet?  That covered by your illegal warrant too?

And how do these bastard, partisan crooks in the upper echelons of the DOJ and FBI…AG Merrick Garland, FBI Director Chris Wray, and all of their corrupt flunkies…get away with this shit for seven long years?

Because they control the process…the narrative…and the media.  That simple, kids.

But enough of me pretending to be a constitutional lawyer.  Let’s go to the real deal…

Unrivaled constitutional scholar, former Harvard law professor, and lifelong liberal Alan Dershowitz.  A guy who has opined often about how he is now a complete pariah on the Martha’s Vineyard cocktail party circuit because he has on numerous occasions advocated for Trump’s legal and constitutional rights.

Never voted for Trump.  Never would.  Ever.  But has more integrity in a single pubic hair than these lying SOB’s at the DOJ, FBI and in the White House have in their whole bloated, Marxist bodies.

Some Dershowitz wisdom…

I’ve litigated dozens of cases on the 4th amendment.  And I’m a liberal Democrat who voted for Biden and against Trump.  But this raid is absolutely outrageous and unconstitutional.”

“You must have a single standard of justice.  I’m a friend of both Sandy Berger [Bill Clinton’s National Security Advisor caught stuffing classified documents in his pants], and a friend of Hillary Clinton.  What they were accused of was exactly comparable.  And there were no searches of their houses.”

“When Trump is at stake, the constitution be damned, the law be damned, the rule of law be damned.  Everything is ok as long as it’s ‘get Trump’”

I will take issue with Professor Dershowitz on one point…What Trump is accused of and what Sandy Berger was caught doing are not “exactly comparable” to what Hillary did.

That’s like saying Michael Moore is close to 150 pounds.  Um…no.

Anyway, Dershowitz clearly gets it…both legally and politically.  The last of a dying breed…an America-loving, honest liberal…most of whom have gone the way of black & white TV, floppy discs, and ethnic jokes.

So, this all begs the question…what is the next logical step for the corrupt TDS obsessed mental patients in the Deep State after this latest fraudulent attempt to take down Trump inevitably crashes and burns?

I mean, after seven excruciating years of getting kicked in the nuts, the pain must be getting pretty unbearable.  

I think Ex-NYC Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik was barking up the RIGHT tree when he mused recently on that very point…”I’m not into conspiracies, I’m not into anti-government rhetoric.  This is the first time in my lifetime that I would say I am deathly afraid for Donald Trump.  I would not put assassination behind these people.”

Neither would I.

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