Daily Archives: August 30, 2022

Quack Judges and Illegal Warrants

So, the whole world seemed to hold its collective breath until the Department of Corruption (DOC)…formerly known as the DOJ…graced us all with the expected heavily redacted Mar-A-Lago affidavit, the supposed evidentiary basis behind the stunning raid of a former President’s residence…less than three months before a critical mid-term election.

By design, it told us nothing.

At the same time, these shysters did their best imitation of Dementia Joe’s leaky bladder with their drip, drip, drip of narrative-building leaks to their media whores at the Washington Post and NY Times…exactly like they did during the years-long Russian Collusion Hoax.

We’re in our seventh year of this shit.  Seven f*cking years.

While this latest Hail Mary by the Deep Staters to GET TRUMP! is the political equivalent of Doug Flutie’s historic heave into the end zone down in Miami in 1984…it certainly won’t be the last. Continue reading