Department of Injustice

Like every other scandal concocted by the Lefty Deep State Scammers, and endless assists by their media whores, this latest one…the first ever raid of a former President’s personal residence…is destined to fail spectacularly, like Wile E. Coyote’s endless attempts to destroy the Road Runner.

This whole outrageous, divisive, and unprecedented episode has as much legitimacy as Michael Moore’s newly released autobiography, titled…”A life of Fitness and Conservatism.”

In their blind zeal to take down Trump…now six years and running…the lies and BS surrounding this latest scam are easier to spot than a bad toupee.

But they really stepped in it this time.  What these Deep State crooks forget…their ‘fatal flaw,” if you will…is that we’re in a post- Russian Collusion, fake impeachment, fake Jan 6th show trial, protect the Biden Crime Family, era.

The broken-record M.O…..A dramatic accusation…strategic leaks of false or out of context information, breathlessly reported by a corrupt media (NUCLEAR SECRETS!  VIOLATION OF ESPIONAGE ACT!)…everything locked down under a shroud of secrecy…scam eventually exposed.

Lather.  Rinse.  Repeat.

Now I remember how I felt after watching Rocky 6.

We all have f*cking PHD’s in “Deep State Hoax’s To Destroy Donald Trump.”  Hey, now I’m as much of a “Doctor” as Jill Biden!

It’s as obvious as a brick through a window that this has precisely nothing to do with classified documents or the Presidential Records Act…which possesses no criminal component.  This has everything to do with January 6th…their latest scam to take down Trump.

A classic fishing expedition cloaked in the stench of rotten fish.

And that f*cking quivering weasel AG, Merrick Garland, hides for days under his desk before making a ridiculous 3-minute, check-the-block statement that told us absolutely nothing…except to lecture us about the “rule of law,” and admonish those that dare criticize the politicized and weaponized FBI.

And then executed a perfect Biden post-teleprompter speech pirouette and hauled ass, taking no questions.

Those bastards don’t have two balls between them.

The biggest joke?  After what these corrupt motherf*ckers have done the past six years…AG Weasel has the breathtaking gall to lecture all of US about the RULE OF LAW??  Against the backdrop of his corrupt deep state and two-tiered justice system???

A mere sampling…

…Hillary email scandal with no consequences.

…Droves of corrupt DOJ/FBI actors that pulled off the Russian Collusion hoax who falsified documents, lied to FISA courts, lied to congress under oath..AND ALL WALKED.

…And, of course, Hunter and the Biden Crime family – at least 14 FBI whistleblowers have recently said the whole “investigation” is being squashed.

A middle finger to Americans, so ginormous, it makes the Empire State Building look like a friggin’ sand castle.

As for Biden…if he even knows what f*cking planet he’s on…ridiculously claiming he had no knowledge of any of this?  Don’t make me laugh.

According to Michael Goodwin, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist of the NY Post…”The NY Times reported in April that Biden was frustrated that Garland had not moved faster to prosecute Trump.  That puts Biden’s fingerprints on the raid, with his wish becoming Garland’s command.”

On no planet would the DOJ pull this Third World Banana F*cking Republic shit…something so stunning, historically abnormal, politically explosive, and mind-blowing…without the blessing, if not direction, of the White House.


Liar, Liar,  Biden’s Depends on fire.

So, Trump, currently under subpoena for THE DOCUMENTS, already turned over like 15 boxes of stuff in June, and told them they could have anything they want.  Trump even put a stronger padlock on the room that housed these documents at the request of DOJ officials.

Trump and his lawyers have been completely cooperative and responsive since the beginning.  Apparently, the only thing he didn’t do was shine their f*cking shoes.

Even if there was some notion that he was unresponsive in any way to the original subpoena…the “norm” of PROCEEDING IN THE LEAST INTRUSIVE MANNER…is to either issue a “motion to compel” through a court…or issue a second subpoena.

I learned that from watching LA Law back in the late ‘80’s.


They wouldn’t even allow Trump’s lawyers to observe the raid…like a homeless dude squatting in an alley, another norm crapped on.   Jesus, they even friggin’ went thru Melania’s closet.

Hey, J. Edgar Hoover was a rabid cross-dresser.  Must be an FBI thing.  Perverts.

They took Trump’s passports, documents under attorney/client privilege, and others under executive privilege.


The warrant covered ANY document from Trump’s ENTIRE PRESIDENCY, and these FBI goons were cleared to search the entire facility, which took all goddamn day.

A fishing expedition even Jacques Cousteau would envy.

If you still think this had, at its core, ANYTHING to do with a few classified documents that Trump, for months, was already fully cooperating on, you’re as dumb as a f*cking stump…or are draped in Trump Derangement Syndrome…or some combination thereof.

Do us all a favor and get some help, would ya?  Or go clutch your pearls with those Socialist Canucks north of the border.  All you freaks always THREATEN to move to Canada, but never friggin’ do it.  

You watch…Trump will gleefully sue these bastards for a clear violation of his 4th amendment rights, vis-a-vis unreasonable search and seizure.  Orange Man is salivating more than he does right before diving into a juicy Big Mac.

And oh yes….they WILL ultimately find a way to indict Trump with something.  You can bet your sweet ass…and your decimated 401K…on that.

That’s what this is all about, folks.  Biden is demanding it.

The REAL end game?  C’mon, you know.  Not just preventing Trump from running in 2024, but handcuffed in a perp walk.

It will all violently backfire, of course.  It always does.

As one of my fave writers at the Wall Street Journal, Kimberly Strassel, wrote recently regarding eventual retribution by Republicans when they take (at least) the House back in November…

All this tit for tat will further undermine our institutions and polarize the nation – but such is the nature of retributive politics.  Which is why the wholesale Democratic and media defense of this weeks events is so reckless…What goes around always comes around.  What went around this week will come around hard.”

Hard, indeed.

I will quibble, though, with the word “retribution.”  Aggressive Congressional oversight to expose this continual prima facia corruption is, in my view, NOT “retribution.”  It’s necessary to save the Republic.

Watching these crooks get taken down will almost be orgasmic…in a political sort of way.

I have absolutely no idea what that means.

BTW, you can typically gauge my outrage based on a blog F Bomb count.  I’ll let you do the math and draw your own conclusions.

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