Daily Archives: August 19, 2022

Department of Injustice

Like every other scandal concocted by the Lefty Deep State Scammers, and endless assists by their media whores, this latest one…the first ever raid of a former President’s personal residence…is destined to fail spectacularly, like Wile E. Coyote’s endless attempts to destroy the Road Runner.

This whole outrageous, divisive, and unprecedented episode has as much legitimacy as Michael Moore’s newly released autobiography, titled…”A life of Fitness and Conservatism.”

In their blind zeal to take down Trump…now six years and running…the lies and BS surrounding this latest scam are easier to spot than a bad toupee.

But they really stepped in it this time.  What these Deep State crooks forget…their ‘fatal flaw,” if you will…is that we’re in a post- Russian Collusion, fake impeachment, fake Jan 6th show trial, protect the Biden Crime Family, era.

The broken-record M.O…..A dramatic accusation…strategic leaks of false or out of context information, breathlessly reported by a corrupt media (NUCLEAR SECRETS!  VIOLATION OF ESPIONAGE ACT!)…everything locked down under a shroud of secrecy…scam eventually exposed.

Lather.  Rinse.  Repeat. Continue reading