Roe a No Go

Dammit, here I am again…loathe to write more about abortion, again feeling like I can’t ignore it…despite opining on the subject several weeks ago in response to the abhorrent leak of the draft Roe v. Wade opinion.

And dollars to donuts, if the leaker was likely a clerk for one of the conservative justices, they would have already exposed the little shit…but I know the Libs and Deep State forces are circling the wagons around their little “hero,” which they ALWAYS do in these situations.

I know it.  I know it.  I know it.   Not because I’m a genius.  Because I effing pay attention.

Anyway, interesting decision…6-3 in favor of upholding the Mississippi law banning abortions at 15 weeks…but 5-4 in overturning Roe…with Chief Justice John Roberts declining to go The Full Monty to overturn Roe v. Wade, siding with the Libs as he so often does.

Thanks 43, for nominating, ya know, a “Conservative In Name Only.”  CINO?

Once again…cue the Lefty Leg Wetting marathon of violence.

As I wrote previously, the original Roe decision was ripe for being overturned due to its severely flawed constitutional interpretation…albeit taking almost 50 years…not says me, but says iconic liberal heavyweights like Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Alan Dershowitz, and most other legal scholars.

“Intellectual” heavyweights…NOT “Michael Moore” heavyweights.  Just to be clear.

The constitutional arguments made way back when were specious at best…concocted out of thin air at worst.  Count me in the latter camp.

Yet there is precisely zero acknowledgment of this truth by the Loony Left…particularly Dems in Congress, the DOJ, and the White House, all of whom have disgustingly and shockingly attacked and trashed the court…cries of ILLIGITIMATE!  IMPEACH THE JUSTICES!

Now THAT’S a f*cking “ATTACK ON DEMOCRACY! all day long, perpetrated by those that scream ATTACK ON DEMOCRACY! all day long.

One can both hate the decision ideologically, but acknowledge the legal realities that drove the decision.

Sadly, these Leftist assholes posses neither the intellectual nor the emotional capacity to do that.

But this is what these Libtards do, isn’t it?  They don’t get their way with something…an election, Supreme Court decision, etc…they want to blow up the system, destroy institutions…BURN IT ALL DOWN!!!…PACK THE COURTS!!!…KILL THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE!!!

Like spoiled f*cking three-year-olds throwing tantrums 24/7.  WAAAAAHHHHHH!!!

A pathetic tsunami of leg wetting the Hoover Dam would fail to contain.

As for the American public, it’s absolutely shocking how most people simply had no understanding of what a Roe v. Wade reversal actually meant.

This is unequivocally where the rubber meets the road regarding the public discourse on abortion.

In overturning Roe, respected pollster Scott Rasmussen recently wrote, “Seventy-Seven percent of voters mistakenly think it would make abortion illegal in the United States…If people don’t understand what overturning Roe would mean, how can you possibly interpret polling data showing that people don’t want it overturned?”

Rasmussen goes on further to point out that 72% of people are split roughly between folks who favor abortion bans except in extreme cases, and folks who want abortion legal, but with 1st trimester restrictions.

Make no mistake…the legality of late-term abortions is unequivocally an extremist point of view opposed by the large majority of Americans.  And the Left and media twist themselves into pretzels trying to obfuscate that fact.

And BTW, you can apply this narrative building M.O. by the Democrats and their beloved media whores to ANY issue…that is, spewing out false and ambiguous “information,” thereby capitalizing politically on the stupidity and/or ignorance of large swaths of the American public.

Here’s another big point of ignorance…

I guarantee most people…including the blow-hard elitists who love to hold up Europe as some sort of Lib utopian model to aspire to…think the nutty Socialists across the pond have “Abortions-R-Us” franchises on every street corner.


Lots of info out there, but a nice roll-up in a study by the pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute showed that 47 of 50 European nations limit abortion to 12 to 15 weeks.

I’ll admit I didn’t know this until recently.

I happen to concur with this as I’ve previously indicated…the Bill Clinton “Legal, Safe, and Rare” philosophy….but with roughly 1st trimester limitations.

Only the infanticide scumbags in places like NY, California, the Left side of the aisle in Congress, and the White House are down with horrid late term abortions.

These are truly sick bastards.  With what we now know medically about things like fetal development and fetal pain?

It ain’t 1973 a-holes…we’re not in Kansas anymore.

In fact, these Commie-loving extremists are more in line with China and North Korea vis-a-vis abortion laws.   Par for the course for these authoritarian wannabes.

So yes, there is in fact nothing MORE Democratic than turning over abortion laws to the voters and their elected representatives in each state.  And 2 of 3 Americans agree, according to Rasmussen.

Pollsters who ask questions clearly and unambiguously can put their finger on the pulse of America…at least in a directionally accurate way.

The others are simply creating narratives.

In the end, states have always been little laboratories of democracy, and thankfully remain so, as the Founding Fathers intended…but much to the dismay of Progressives, who view the constitution as outdated, written by a bunch of slave-owning racists, and an inconvenient barrier to imposing their Marxist will on patriotic Americans.

The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board exposed the REAL motivation behind the unhinged, apoplectic reaction of the Left to this Supreme Court Decision…

The fury of the left’s reaction isn’t merely about…abortion.  It reflects their grief at having lost the Court as the vehicle for achieving policy goals they can’t get through legislatures.  The cultural victories they achieved by judicial fiat will now have to be won by persuading voters.  We understand their frustration, but they ought to try democracy for a change.”

Damn, they’re good.

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