The January Sick Committee

Killer title.  I’m sure some wisenheimer came up with it before me somewhere…but I haven’t seen it.  Lifting other people’s material is ALWAYS bad karma.

So, I’ve previously addressed the Democrat’s January 6th political bludgeon, but now that this shiny penny is being breathlessly and giddily reported 24/7…and giving the Dems and the media big, raging woodies…ew…I feel compelled to opine yet again about the complete and utter one-sided, phony, political sham that is Nutty Nancy’s so-called “committee.”

Let’s just start with the end game for these corrupt Libs…which is simply to ultimately “compel” Attorney General Merrick Garland to indict Trump on some felony charge…ANY FELONY…and convict him so he can’t run again.

The Holy Grail, if you will.  And about as likely as Ivanka Trump feeding me grapes on some ginormous yacht in Monte Carlo this weekend.

Anyway…Pelosi blew every norm to smithereens vis-a-vis House Committees when she rejected some of House minority leader Kevin McCarthy’s five GOP picks to sit on this committee…specifically Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Jim Banks (R-IN).

This goes against 232 years of precedent.  That means IT’S NEVER F*CKING HAPPENED.

As editorialist extraordinaire Kim Strassel of the Wall Street Journal concisely opined…”Can Americans trust the findings of a panel whose members began with a preconceived narrative and blackballed any dissenting voices?  Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s unprecedented decision to veto Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s picks last July in favor of her own handpicked Republican members blew the committee’s credibility before it even started work.  Americans will find it easy to reject “evidence”that is too fragile to bear the scrutiny of fellow House members.”

Anyway…let’s back-up.  Remember this basic set of facts…

  •  A few days before January 6th, Trump…understanding the powder keg it represented…based on both intelligence AND common sense…with about a quarter million people expected to hear his address…coordinated with DoD Chief of Staff Kash Patel to get up to 20,000 National Guard approved to secure the Capitol.
  • Responsibility for ACTIVATING the Guard fell on Nancy Pelosi, the DC Mayor, and the House Sergeant-at-Arms.  So basically…Pelosi.  Not even close to a “borderline call.”

  • They refused to activate the Guard, absurdly citing concerns about “optics.”

Yet post-Jan 6th, Pelosi filled the Capitol grounds with National Guard and security fencing when absolutely NOTHING was happening.  No “optics” issues THERE, huh Nanc?

Lying, corrupt, elitist piece of shit, that Pelosi…a woman who knows a thing or two about feces, which engulf the streets of her putrid San Francisco district.

Make no mistake…Pelosi WANTED and ENABLED this to happen for purely corrupt political reasons…which we’re NOW seeing play out in all its glory.

THIS is why Pelosi would not allow GOP bulldogs like Jim Jordan and Jim Banks on her faux, political committee that has zero interest in uncovering even a speck of “truth.”

They would bust her like an effing water balloon smashing against a brick wall, postehaste.

Even more breathtakingly corrupt was the committee’s Democratic Chair, Bennie Thompson, declaring that Nancy Pelosi’s office is completely “off-limits” to the January 6th committee.

Geez Bennie, I thought the failures related to Capitol security…fully Pelosi’s responsibility…were a major and bipartisan point of inquiry?

Guess not.  

Do these Leftist assholes REALLY think we don’t see this corruption clear as day?  Beyond stunning.  And the single reason they get away with it all is that the media whores allow it.  End of story.

This is basically Russian Collusion 2.0.  And it will end up the same way…in the scrap heap of Lib scandals, just like the rest of them.

House Representative Byron Donalds (R-FL)…who like EVERY other conservative African-American on the planet is routinely trashed, marginalized, and called vile names by the Left for holding the “wrong” political views (diversity and inclusion, my ass) asked all the questions in a recent interview that Pelosi has ensured the corruptly complicit FBI and DOJ will never have to answer…

“[AG] Merrick Garland doesn’t want to answer that question…like where did you have embedded FBI assets?  Like what happened to the Intel report that FBI sent to the Capitol Police?  And the biggest question of all…what happened to the National Guard troops that Donald Trump authorized on Jan 4th?”

As self-proclaimed liberal, Biden voter, and famed constitutional law expert Alan Dershowitz bluntly put it…”This is a kangaroo court; this is a fixed jury.  This is a group of people who are selected with a predetermined narrative, including the two Republicans and so nobody should take seriously any of the conclusions reached by this partisan committee.”

He continued…”It’s presented a one-sided narrative without any opportunity for any questions, any cross-examination, any videos to be presented by anybody on the other side.  It does a tremendous disservice to America.”

The stench of illegitimacy of this sham committee knocks you over like an airplane lavatory right after fat-ass Michael Moore just purged some recently consumed bean and broccoli burritos.

Bathroom humor.  Never gets old.

BTW…I wasn’t the only one who refused to waste my time watching the fictional political porn that was the prime time January 6th infomercial televised by about 57 different networks…supposedly garnering about 20 million viewers collectively.

Produced, by the way, by ex-ABC news president James Goldston…to add some pizzazz.  Pizzazz?  Singing and dancing maybe?  A ventriloquist?  A dude who eats three apples and shits a fruit salad?   

Now THAT’S entertainment!

A little context on the, um, “20 million”…

So…just for shits and grins…Difficult as it is, let’s pretend for a moment “President” Depends ACTUALLY received over 80 million votes.  And reasonably assume 98% of viewers of this made-for-tv documentary were nutty Biden voters.

Ipso facto, that would mean…gimme a minute, um, multiply by 4, carry the 1…hmmm…OK…just one of four Trump-hating Biden voters even bothered to tune in to this Fraud Fest.  And pretty much no one else.

In fact, on just CBS, the week prior on the same Thursday night, about 600,000 MORE people watched a rerun of some show called “Young Sheldon.”

A rerun.  And it garnered just HALF the typical audience of a NEW “Young Sheldon” episode.


This sort of begs the question…Who the hell is this Sheldon dude anyway?

Look…nobody watched this narrative-laden snooze-fest.  Everyone knows it’s a one-sided, corrupt cover-up.  And nobody gives a shit…people are too consumed with being financially destroyed by five dollar plus gas and 40 year inflation highs, caused 99.9% by Biden’s policies.

Yes, BIDEN’S policies.  Not Putin.  Not the Easter Bunny.  Not the Man in the Moon.  Not oil companies, grocery stores, shipping companies, or whoever else that senile decomposing corpse who shamefully and fraudulently occupies the White House absurdly blames.

But I digress.

The Democrats are the crash dummy party.  They continually shove scandals, cover-ups, and phony, bogus narratives down the throats of Americans…and it always ends up crashing into a zillion itty-bitty pieces.  Always.

Yet incredibly, they keep getting in that f*cking car.

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