Monthly Archives: June 2022

Roe a No Go

Dammit, here I am again…loathe to write more about abortion, again feeling like I can’t ignore it…despite opining on the subject several weeks ago in response to the abhorrent leak of the draft Roe v. Wade opinion.

And dollars to donuts, if the leaker was likely a clerk for one of the conservative justices, they would have already exposed the little shit…but I know the Libs and Deep State forces are circling the wagons around their little “hero,” which they ALWAYS do in these situations.

I know it.  I know it.  I know it.   Not because I’m a genius.  Because I effing pay attention.

Anyway, interesting decision…6-3 in favor of upholding the Mississippi law banning abortions at 15 weeks…but 5-4 in overturning Roe…with Chief Justice John Roberts declining to go The Full Monty to overturn Roe v. Wade, siding with the Libs as he so often does.

Thanks 43, for nominating, ya know, a “Conservative In Name Only.”  CINO?

Once again…cue the Lefty Leg Wetting marathon of violence. Continue reading

The January Sick Committee

Killer title.  I’m sure some wisenheimer came up with it before me somewhere…but I haven’t seen it.  Lifting other people’s material is ALWAYS bad karma.

So, I’ve previously addressed the Democrat’s January 6th political bludgeon, but now that this shiny penny is being breathlessly and giddily reported 24/7…and giving the Dems and the media big, raging woodies…ew…I feel compelled to opine yet again about the complete and utter one-sided, phony, political sham that is Nutty Nancy’s so-called “committee.”

Let’s just start with the end game for these corrupt Libs…which is simply to ultimately “compel” Attorney General Merrick Garland to indict Trump on some felony charge…ANY FELONY…and convict him so he can’t run again.

The Holy Grail, if you will.  And about as likely as Ivanka Trump feeding me grapes on some ginormous yacht in Monte Carlo this weekend.

Anyway…Pelosi blew every norm to smithereens vis-a-vis House Committees when she rejected some of House minority leader Kevin McCarthy’s five GOP picks to sit on this committee…specifically Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Jim Banks (R-IN).

This goes against 232 years of precedent.  That means IT’S NEVER F*CKING HAPPENED. Continue reading