Hot Takes…

They say words are free.  And I use a lot of them…too many, in fact.  So in that spirit, I’m gonna try something a little different…a lightning round, of sorts.

At least as much “lightning” as I can muster at my age…my wife nodding in furious agreement.

Here goes…

On the heels of Disney’s recent disastrous foray into the world of woke political activism, an observant Netflix has apparently been scared straight, and issued a memo to employees that basically said…and I’ll paraphrase…if anything in our core business doesn’t meet with your woke approval, you’re free to leave.

To paraphrase more bluntly…both you AND your goddamn pronouns can F off if Dave Chappelle OFFENDS YOU!

Maybe this insane woke shit is finally jumping the shark…with apologies to Fonzie, his motorcycle, and of course, the infamous shark.

Did you hear the Biden Administration was going to create some kind of weird “Disinformation Board?”  Hmmm…Wouldn’t that be, ya know, kinda redundant?  I mean, they ALREADY have the Commie Pinko censors at Twitter and Facebook carrying their political water.

Anyway, the wackadoodle broad they were going to have run that Orwellian “Ministry of Truth,” Nina Jankowicz, knows a thing or two herself about misinformation…tweeting in the past that Trump colluding with Russia was real, and Hunter Biden’s laptop was fake.

And there’s been no reports that she has a penchant for transposition.

It’s like tapping Michael Moore as the keynote speaker at a six-pack ab convention.

Fast forward, the whole Communist-like idea died a very deserving…and fiery…death.

OK, this next one is real.  Not from The Onion.  Nor The Babylon Bee.  REAL.

Three eight graders in Wisconsin had sexual harassment complaints filed against them by their school district for calling a classmate by a wrong pronoun.

And in Virginia, the Fairfax County School District has said that students are subject to suspension if they simply refer to a fellow student by their biological, God-given sex.

The sane among us are done with this shit.  Done humoring these wackos.  DONE!!!

Listen up you Progressive Putz’s, because I’m only gonna say this once.  Take f*cking notes if you have to.

There are two genders.  Men cannot have babies or menstrual cycles.  And biological men who grow their hair into long, flowing locks and identify as chicks despite their big, swinging schlongs should not, under ANY circumstance, compete in women’s sports.


Don’t get me wrong.  You can identify as a goddamn Hostess Twinkie for all I care…and SHOULD NOT be discriminated against for it.

Just don’t drag the rest of the world into your woke insanity by demanding we deny certain scientific and biological realities, and threatening repercussions if we don’t acquiesce.

And if you’re offended by any of the preceding dissertation?  Jimmy Crack Corn…

Is it just me, or is Elon Musk having the absolute time of his life, effing with, and triggering Libs every single day?  It’s an utter joy to watch.

The Twitter Twits are in a leg-wetting panic as Musk is not only about to snatch their biggest censorship tool away from them, AND also vehemently advocating for free speech…NOOOOOOO!!!…but is also quite accurately characterizing the Demopuke party as “the party of division and hate,” and as such, he can no longer support them and will vote Republican.”

Just the smartest dude on the planet, dripping with F*ck You Money, keepin’ it real.

Musk later tweeted, “Now, watch their dirty tricks campaign against me unfold…”


Right on cue, entering from where else…STAGE LEFT…the seething Corrupt Left Wing cabal…the same America-hating twerps who “fortified” the 2020 presidential election according to Time magazine…activating the smear machine to neutralize the threat.

First, they sicced the Securities and Exchange Commission on him for being “tardy” on filing some disclosure form for his Twitter stock purchase…then, of course, the pathetic, lame, and obligatory ancient sexual harassment claim by some random broad they scrounged up from God knows where.

Aren’t we kinda past the whole “he touched my ass in an elevator back when Reagan was President” shit?  I mean, like when they’re obvious political attacks?

Anyway, this crap’s gonna keep me entertained ALL summer.  I’m thinking Popcorn.  Yep.  Lots of popcorn.

Well, it seems yet another asinine Democrat narrative has inevitably crashed and burned Hindenburg-style.

Remember when these Libs had violent conniptions like a 3-year-old that lost his favorite blankie over the new Georgia election laws that seemingly found that nice sweet spot of maximizing voter access and minimizing cheating?

Oh c’mon, you remember…the woke a-holes running Major League Baseball moved, in extreme knee-jerk manner, the All-Star game from Atlanta to Denver, and every Democrat and Progressive talking head ridiculously wailed VOTER SUPPRESSION! and JIM CROW 2.0! eight thousand f*cking times a day?

These Leftist Loons think that if they repeat something a million times, it morphs into some weird semblance of truth…it’s the whole “brainwash” mentality that they employ, quite effectively, in public schools and universities.


Well, slap my ass and call me Sally…it turns out early voting in Georgia was up 168% from the 2018 primaries, and up 212% from 2020.  Oh yeah…and blacks cast about 100,000 more early votes than in 2018.

But despite these facts, people like Stacy Abrams will never cease lying about how Republicans live and breath to prevent blacks from voting.  Beyond absurd.

Here’s another fact…FACTS never, ever enter the calculus of any political narrative of the Left.

Hmmm, how can I say this delicately….

It’s about time the racist Left stops their lying, bigoted tropes…offensively infantalizing blacks, insinuating they are too stupid and inept to not only simply show a lousy ID, but to even possess one.

And stop shitting on the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. daily by seeing every itty bitty speck of life’s minutiae through the prism of race…the very definition of racism.  And yeah…the “content of one’s character” be damned.

OK, failed miserably on the “delicate” thing.

Quite frankly, if you don’t see all of this VERY, VERY clearly, you need to Google “eye doctors in my area” right now.  And seeing a mental health professional couldn’t hurt either.

So how did I do on my first lightning round?

I would reluctantly say pretty reflective of my general embrace of mediocrity.

1 thought on “Hot Takes…

  1. Richard Boyd

    Beautiful, and well said. The problem is, for the most part, we are a nation of sheep. They don’t want to see the wolf. They certainly don’t want to get off the couch, put down the bong, and rip their eyes away from their iPhones to do anything about it. Or maybe they’re just out for a little wine and lunch with the girls.


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