Rowing and Wading Through The Abortion Muck

In writing this blog, I’ve always had a self-imposed rule of sorts not to opine much, if at all, on social issues.  Folks have deep, heartfelt beliefs, often based on religious considerations, that I fully respect on these types of issues…regardless of what I believe personally.

It’s more a matter of “beliefs” vs. a “right or wrong” answer.

Contrast this with things that make me completely f*cking mental…like open border policies, and an all-out war on fossils fuels…including clean and abundant natural gas…that has driven inflation to near double digits.  These are bone-crushing, blindly ideological policies that are both wrong and destructive all effing day long.

Anyway…in spite of all this, I have no real choice OTHER than to give my thoughts on the latest abortion kerfuffle…if for no other reason, the historic nature of it…driven by the unprecedented attack on the Supreme Court that was the leak of a draft decision written by Associate Justice Samuel Alito that at least indicates a potential overturn of Roe v. Wade.

Cue the Left Wing Outrage Machine.

However, my focus will not really be on my own beliefs on the subject, but on the very absent perspective vis-a-vis all of the issues and nuance swirling around it.

And speaking of nuance…there is a ton of nuance in polling about abortion that the lefty media pukes are all too happy to paper over for narrative building purposes.

As with ALL polling on ANY issue…results depend on how the question is posed.  If it’s simply “should abortion remain legal?”…a modest majority typically agrees.  But peel back the onion a bit, and most polling consistently shows something north of 70% or so believe abortion should be illegal OR remain legal with clear restrictions…generally banned after the first trimester.

Anything that even sniffs of somewhat later term abortion is summarily rejected by the American public.

For example, In 2021, a Marist poll found that 76% of Americans would limit abortions to, at most, the first trimester.  Marist has polled this for over a decade, and always gets similar results.

Interestingly, what’s before the Court NOW is a challenge to a Mississippi law banning abortion after 15 weeks.  Well, shit…this law is firmly in the mainstream according to almost every friggin’ poll.

But you’d never know it listening to the lying mainstream media whores.

They’re hiding this fact like Michael Moore hides the last 19 Krispy Kreme’s in the house under his bed.  Shit, a lot of these Lefty faux journalist a-holes endorse abortions right after the candles are blown out at the kid’s first birthday.

That’s not that much of an exaggeration.

And speaking of said mainstream media whores…they would have you believe this is somehow an attack on Democracy.  As with EVERYTHING that seeps out of their lying, flapping gums, the truth is the exact opposite.

A (potential) reversal of Roe v. Wade would, of course, NOT make abortion illegal in the U.S…which stunningly, a large percentage of brain dead Libs ACTUALLY think.

It would simply hand the determination of specific abortion laws to the citizens in each state, through their elected representatives.  This is called Federalism, the foundation upon which our Republic was built – hardly a controversial concept.

Weed laws.  Election laws.  All differ by state.  Then why in Sam Hell is it so friggin’ radical to add abortion laws to that list?  Well…it isn’t.

There would be NOTHING more “Democratic,” in fact.

OK, this next one is the REAL kick in the gonads to the Progressive Pronoun Posse…a crew typically quite lacking in the gonad department, at least figuratively.

Most legal scholars will tell you…including droves of liberal, abortion-loving ones…the actual legal basis for the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision was flimsier than a dripping wet cardboard box.

The list of pro-choice Lib legal scholars that think the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision was legal gibberish is longer than Michael Moore’s belt.

Even one of the iconic heroes of the Left, the ex-Supreme Court Justice and very pro-abortion Ruth Bader Ginsberg…God rest her soul…thought this was a shit decision…legally speaking, that is.

She called the 1973 decision, “Heavy handed judicial intervention [that] was difficult to justify and appears to have provoked, not resolved, conflict.”

Edward Lazarus, a law clerk for the Supreme Court Justice that wrote the original 1973 Roe majority opinion, Harry Blackmun, said…”As a matter of constitutional interpretation, even most liberal jurisprudes…if you administer truth serum…will tell you it is basically indefensible.”

Mic drop shit right there.  I could go on, but you get the gist.  

And finally, I must reluctantly give my clear stance on the issue of abortion.

Basically I’m with hound dog Bill Clinton on this, who wisely said in 1992 that abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare.”  My critical qualification to that would be “with clear restrictions”…namely, first trimester, or maybe 15 weeks, which is the current Mississippi law being challenged.

Anyway, with medical and technological advances, and what we NOW know 50 years down the road vis-a-vis fetal development and fetal pain…I am vehemently against abortion after that point.

As is most of the country.

1 thought on “Rowing and Wading Through The Abortion Muck

  1. Jedger Hoover

    I’m sure you didn’t mean to mislead, but when I read “In 2021, a Marist poll found that 76% of Americans would limit abortions to, at most, the first trimester,” it gave me the impression that only 24% of Americans would allow abortions beyond the first trimester (assuming no “undecideds”).

    However, the 76% you cited included 12% who wouldn’t allow abortion under ANY circumstance, 11% who would allow it ONLY to save the life of the mother, and 28% who would allow it only in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother.

    That same poll shows that 51% of those polled would allow abortion only during the first three months of pregnancy (25%), only during the first six months of pregnancy (10%), or at any time during the entire pregnancy (15%).

    In other words, the poll showed that 51% of respondents would either outright ban abortion or allow it only under extreme circumstances and 50% would allow abortion within certain time frames or none at all. (Yes, the poll numbers add up to 101%, presumably due to rounding up decimals.)



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