Daily Archives: May 18, 2022

Rowing and Wading Through The Abortion Muck

In writing this blog, I’ve always had a self-imposed rule of sorts not to opine much, if at all, on social issues.  Folks have deep, heartfelt beliefs, often based on religious considerations, that I fully respect on these types of issues…regardless of what I believe personally.

It’s more a matter of “beliefs” vs. a “right or wrong” answer.

Contrast this with things that make me completely f*cking mental…like open border policies, and an all-out war on fossils fuels…including clean and abundant natural gas…that has driven inflation to near double digits.  These are bone-crushing, blindly ideological policies that are both wrong and destructive all effing day long.

Anyway…in spite of all this, I have no real choice OTHER than to give my thoughts on the latest abortion kerfuffle…if for no other reason, the historic nature of it…driven by the unprecedented attack on the Supreme Court that was the leak of a draft decision written by Associate Justice Samuel Alito that at least indicates a potential overturn of Roe v. Wade.

Cue the Left Wing Outrage Machine. Continue reading