Musk And Other Miscellaneous Musings

Ah, so many things and people to bitch about, mock, and rail on, and so little time.   Getting right to it…

At the risk of stating the obvious…there’s a single reason for Joe Biden’s tepid, less than enthusiastic support of Ukraine and Churchillian Bad Ass ex-Comedian Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

I mean, too little, too late, milque toast sanctions, which have barely left a mark on Putin’s ability to continue to rake in billions daily hawking his dirty oil to fund the war…refusal to cough up some of the old Soviet-era MiG jets Zelenskyy is begging for, and would be a total game-changer…and a breathtaking inability to say out loud he even wants a Ukraine victory.

The reason Alzheimer Joe is kissing that evil MFer Putin’s shirtless Commie Pinko ass should be obvious to anyone with any semblance of a brain…with apologies to The Scarecrow.

Guys like Putin in Russia, Xi Jinping in China, and others…and their respective intelligence agencies…know every excruciating detail of the Biden Crime Family’s influence-selling operation over the past few decades.


Translation?  If ANY of these countries did a media dump on these decades of corruption, it would end his presidency tomorrow.  End.  Over.  Literally.  THAT fast.

Rather obvious, no?

And the fact that they don’t, simply screams of the level and value of the influence and favors they’ve been buying.  For decades.  Don’t want to upset THAT apple cart.

So let me get this straight…it’s Biden…NOT Trump…that’s an asset of Russia?  Do I have that right?  BAHAHAHAHA!

So…ya know what REALLY pisses me off?  Everything!  Ok, trick question.

This offensive Leftist narrative, accusing folks of racism, sexism, and 17 other “-isms”, who didn’t support the Supreme Court confirmation of Ketanji Brown Jackson.

Now, this crap is nothing new, of course from the race obsessed Left…but the fact is that 99.9% of Conservatives/Republicans don’t support progressives like this…in ANY capacity…simply because of their destructive Far Left ideology.  Period.

The dirty little narrative destroying secret is that folks on the Right don’t give a flying f*ck about someone’s skin pigmentation, genitalia, sexual preference, yada yada, when it comes to their elected representatives or Supreme Court nominees.

Look, Ketanji Brown Jackson seems like an extremely nice woman, and we should all celebrate her accomplishments and life story as an African-American woman.  I certainly do.  Her story simply speaks to the STILL very alive and well American Dream, and completely defecates on the political, asinine narrative that America is a fundamentally racist country.

(See twice elected black president).

Besides, Libs, you nauseating hypocrites…love the way you unanimously supported Amy Coney-Barrett…A WOMAN…and totally disrespect and shit on great, inspirational African-Americans like Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, and Tim Scott…continually calling them tokens, Uncle Tom’s and mouthpieces for white supremacists…simply because they’re conservatives.

Diversity and Inclusion, my ass.  What a joke of a phony political sham THAT is.  Only applies to liberals.  Always has.  Always will.

Rename it “Diversity and Inclusion for Liberals,” and you got NO beef with me.

The complete and utter disdain I have for these deliberately divisive, race-hustling subversives is as boundless as Michael Moore’s circumference.

And in the “How F*cking Great is That?” department…Texas Governor Greg Abbott has promised to fill a bunch of busses with some of the endless flow of illegals that the Biden Administration has unconstitutionally rolled out the red carpet for, and send them right to Dementia Joe’s doorstep in the nations capitol.

And damned if he didn’t do it.

The first couple of busses arrived this week in D.C…with hopefully many more to come.

Oh sure, the White House, Peppermint Patty, and every other Lib on the planet is screaming…THIS IS A PUBLICITY STUNT!!!   A GIMMICK!!!

Call it what you want, A-Holes.  I call it “Just Desserts.”  And decadently delicious, at that.

And MY fantastically awesome Governor, Ron DeSantis, is promising the same thing…but suggesting places like Biden’s beloved home state of Delaware, and that snobitorium known as Martha’s Vineyard.

Can you just see the faces of those leftist elitist blowhards when the first bus rolls in to Martha’s Vineyard?  Like those old MasterCard commercials…PRICELESS.

Can’t tell you how much I love this…almost giddy, in fact.  Whoever dreamed this shit up was definitely channeling their inner Eddie Haskell.

And lastly…

Elon Musk. What can you say about this guy?  If Einstein and Edison had a love child, he would be Elon Musk.

Ew.  Best not to visualize that.

Build the world’s best electric, self-driving cars?  Send people into space?  All in a day’s work.

There’s nothing…literally nothing…this guy can’t do.  An endless supply of money, brain power, and vision.

When you and I get bored, we say, “Let’s check out what’s new on Netflix.”

When Elon Musk gets bored, he says, “Let’s go save Free Speech.”

First, he recently purchased about a 10% position in Twitter stock, instantly becoming its largest shareholder.  But then…he turns around and offers to buy 100% of the company for 43 billion smackers and take it private!

The worthiest of endeavors…sadly, it’ll never happen.

Consider…the sheer, unmitigated power of Twitter, their cabal with legacy media, the Democratic party, and the D.C. Deep State…molding the culture in their Far Left Progressive vision, silencing dissent, and controlling information through censorship and propoganda to influence elections (see NY Post Hunter Biden story).

A cabal that also includes corporate America, academia, Silicon Valley Tech oligarchs, socialist billionaires like George Soros, professional sports leagues, Hollywood…need I go on?

With Twitter being the epicenter of that consolidation of power and control, I see zero chance of Twitter ever selling to Musk for ANY price…the powers that be on the Left will simply not tolerate it.

That would be akin to asking Michael Moore to relinquish his fork.

And regardless of things like fiduciary responsibilities of Boards of Directors to seriously consider such offers….ya think these corrupt bastards can’t circumvent that “requirement.”  The lowest of bars…like a snake doing the Limbo.

And don’t give me this BS about Twitter being a private company so they can censor whoever the hell they want.  I’d completely agree with that wholly capitalistic sentiment if they weren’t in bed with, and acting at the behest of the State, and one political party.

An academic argument that is instantly eviscerated by THAT reality on the ground.

Eh…all speculation on my part.  Who can even imagine what Musk may have up his sleeve?

But my strong sense remains that even Musk…the richest, smartest guy on the planet…taking on the aforementioned Far Left Cabal is like The Bad News Bears suiting-up against the ‘27 Yankees.

But he’s in the game nonetheless.

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