The October Surprise That Wasn’t

I love how people still use the term THE BIG LIE!!!  And most often with blood drenched veins bulging from their temples.

It’s so become part of our political vernacular, I don’t even have to define it here…we ALL know what it refers to.  And notwithstanding ongoing forensic audits of ballots in multiple battleground states that have turned up a multitude of, shall we say, “issues” with hundreds of thousands of ballots…most of us will go to our graves believing what we believe on that front.

And that’s just fine.

But THE BIG LIE itself is a big lie.  And it has absolutely nothing to do with the existence (or not) of fraudulent votes.

A couple weeks ago, The NY TIMES very quietly admitted the infamous Hunter Biden Laptop was, in fact, as real as the waves of blubber enveloping Michael Moore’s bloated carcas.  And it was quite stealthily slipped deep into the bowels of some story about Hunter Biden’s mounting legal and tax issues.

Into the 24th paragraph, to be precise.  And as you know, we here at The Drunken Republican are slaves to accuracy.

And why not?  I mean, the blatant censoring of the “October surprise” that wasn’t, served its purpose long ago…to drag Biden’s Puppet-of-the-Left, senile Bag-O-Bones across the finish line and straight through the threshold of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Look, the shit’s gonna hit the fan over the next year or so vis-a-vis Hunter and the whole Biden Crime Family, so the Times is clearly trying to “reposition” and get somewhat out in front of all that…by, ooooh, so “boldly and courageously” acknowledging reality.

Pardon me while I swoon like a bobby socks wearing co-ed at a Beatles concert at such rare, unselfish journalistic bravery.

Like they’ve done a million other times before, every time another Leftist narrative inevitably crumbles.  These lying frauds are as predictable as me hurling at the sight of that rotund, nauseating yenta Joy Behar in a string bikini.

Anyway, what simultaneously confounds me and pisses me off is the breathtakingly cavalier gall and hubris of not only the fraudulent media, but the complicit Big Tech companies that censored that story into oblivion.

A story they knew damn effing well was 100% true, and would almost assuredly sink Biden like the Titanic.

These corrupt bastards are not one iota better than the propagandists in China and Russia.  Think about that.

And even if “American style” propaganda often manifests as “Propoganda By Omission,”…it’s state run propoganda nonetheless.

I mean, the original NY Post story on Hunter, the laptop, and The Biden Crime family was, in the words of Wall Street Journal editorialist Holman W. Jenkins Jr., “everything the Russian collusion story wasn’t: meticulous, transparent, on-the-record sourcing, contemporaneous, documentary evidence that doesn’t depend on a source’s after-the-fact recollection or spin.”

A Media Research Center poll of 1,750 Biden voters in six battleground states “won” by Biden found that 9.4% of them would have abandoned him had they known of these facts, flipping all six of the swing states he won to Trump,” thereby giving Big Bad Orange Man the election.

They also found a similar number would have abandoned Biden had they known about Tara Reade’s very credible sexual assault allegations against Creepy…another story that Big Media and Big Tech…shameless whores of the Democrat party…made disappear faster than Jimmy Hoffa.

It’s quite safe to assume that this polling is at least directionally accurate, thereby relegating Biden to domicile full time in his Delaware basement.

And I won’t even use the word “stolen.”  Don’t want to trigger the TDS cultists, after all.

So conciliatory of me, huh?  


This from the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board…”The herd of media conformists also echoed the speculation of obviously partisan “intelligence officials.”  Some 50 of these officials…circulated a statement peddling the Russian “disinformation” line – even as they had admitted they had no evidence.”

This is called “narrative building.”  I could teach a f*cking course in it.  I have a PhD in this shit.  In fact, going forward, please address me as Dr. Drunken Republican.

It’s even gotten old, boring and tiresome playing the “shoe on the other foot” game.  Like, if this was Donald Trump Jr’s laptop and not Corrupt Crackhead Hunter, the media would add an hour a day, and a day a week, so they could breathlessly report on it 25/8.

Meanwhile, the Media Research Center has calculated that Hunter Biden’s name has not been uttered by any of the three major networks for 260 days.

PBO.  Propaganda By Omission.  I love coining new acronyms.

And by the way, this has absolutely nothing to do, per se, with the salacious palace intrigue of the President’s drug-addicted, drunk of a son…on multiple videos, smoking crack and having sex with prostitutes, or banging his dead brother’s wife.

Scrumptious as all that is…not the point.

As Michael Goodwin of the NY Post writes, “The reason for the cover-up is simple:  Many of the emails to and from Hunter Biden implicated Joe Biden in the international influence-peddling business run by Hunter and Joe’s brother Jim Biden.”

And Biden is on a mountain of video both pre and post election knowingly lying to YOUR face about it…because with a corrupt, complicit media, he had carte blanche to do so.

Goodwin continues, “If the whole country knew then that Joe Biden was corruptly using his office to help his family cash in, we would now be in the second year of Donald Trump’s second term.”

And lest anyone think this is some sort of earth-shattering revelation…there’s been a mountain of books written on the Biden Crime Family for years.

So yes… the election was absolutely and unequivocally rigged by the corrupt cabal and conspiracy between Democrats, Big Media, and Big Tech, making Biden’s “presidency” itself…and the mere notion that the 2020 election was anywhere in the vicinity of “free” or “fair”…THE BIG LIE.

Trump was like a fighter in the ring with one hand tied behind his back.  Trump-haters everywhere can celebrate that…until it’s THEIR candidate that gets f*cked next time.

But don’t take my word for it.

Time magazine lefties breathtakingly admitted all of this in an article published shortly after Biden’s inauguration, titled, “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election.”

They went into great detail, in an almost braggadocious sort of way, how a well-funded cabal of powerful people representing a multitude of industries and institutions conspired and colluded to, among MANY other things, illegally change election laws, and censor the free flow of information.

Or as ridiculously and delusionally described in the Time article, “They were not rigging the election, they were fortifying it.”

Wow, semantics much?

The NY Post’s Goodwin nicely brings up the screamingly obvious elephant in the room vis-a-vis the very well documented Biden Crime Family…

Russia’s Vladimir Putin and China’s Xi Jinping know everything about these deals, including how many millions were wired from oligarchs and communist-tied companies to bank accounts controlled by the Bidens.  They also know what the Bidens did for the money.  The only people who don’t know all the facts are Americans.”

Can you say…COMPROMISED?  And TRUMP was a Russian asset?  BAHAHAHAHAHA!

The real existential question, though, is brilliantly posed by another Wall Street Journal editorialist, Gerard Baker…

The deeper shame here is the lack of accountability across American institutions.  No one who colluded in this conspiracy against truth has even been inconvenienced by it….this is what is so corrosive of trust and, in the end, of the system itself…

…The one way in which real accountability is supposed to work in a democracy is at the ballot box…But how can that even work when the people we want to hold accountable decide what information the voters are allowed to see?”

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