Bad Ass 101

Ukraine.  What a clusterf*ck.  That goddamn Putin.  Riding around shirtless on a friggin’ horse.  Remember that?  Who does he think he is, Mark Wahlberg?  Now THERE’S a guy that looks good shirtless…so the ladies tell me.

Anyway…A recent Harvard-Harris poll indicates that 62% of Americans believe Putin doesn’t invade Ukraine if Trump was President.

Intuitively obvious, no?

And the 38% that disagreed with that are the same roughly 38% that polling shows approves of Biden’s abysmal, nearly annihilistic job performance.  Funny how that works, huh?

I mean, Putin pulled this shit under Bush 43 (Georgia), Obumma (Crimea), and now Ukraine under Dementia Joe.

No way to definitively PROVE this of course.  But one can often draw very clear conclusions based on a shit ton of evidence, history, and in Trump’s case, a body of work.

Like if the Wuhan Flu broke under Biden, we still wouldn’t have a publicly available vaccine.  Not a chance in hell.  Stuck in endless clinical trials at best.  Millions more dead.

Ya know, these vaccine things take four, five years.  Nothing we can do about that.  Sorry.”

A Democrat would never have an Operation Warp Speed.  Blow thru red tape and nearly impenetrable bureaucracy to fast track clinical trials.  Public/private partnerships with big pharma to purchase hundreds of millions of doses of multiple vaccine candidates so when one hits, you’re off to the races day one.

The Libs just aren’t wired that way.  Believe what you want.  But I digress…just making a point.

Really…How can one not be both inspired and in awe of the vastly overmatched Ukrainian people, and their Churchill-like President Zelensky?  Citizens taking up arms, making Molotov cocktails, killing thousands of Russian soldiers.

Bravery.  Heroism.  Sacrifice.  Off the charts.


Hey Vlad, thought this was going to be a cakewalk, asshole?  NYET!!!

My favorite was President Zelensky, when offered safe passage out of Ukraine by the U.S., only had this to say…”I need ammunition, not a ride.”  And he’s numero uno on Putin’s hit list.  I imagine Zelensky has all of his trousers custom tailored to create the room required to rein in those massive cajones of his.

Students, Professor Zelensky will be teaching Bad Ass 101 this semester.

The T-shirts rocking that quote are already on Amazon.  Ain’t Capitalism grand?  I am intimately acquainted with a certain obnoxious, beer-swilling political blogger that will be purchasing one.

Anyway…we’ve all seen the horrible images of the carnage in Ukraine at the hands of a madman.  A war criminal.  Targeting civilians…women, children.  Like Michael Moore in a Speedo…nauseating.

And here we sit…the U.S., NATO nations walking that tightrope of providing Ukraine with arms and other defensive military hardware…and at the same time trying not to unwittingly fall ass backwards into World War III and a potential nuclear confrontation.

Not gonna focus on that, though.  Gonna focus on gas…something my better half claims I know a lot about.  Or more specifically, energy policy.

So let me get this straight…the Climate Change/Global Warming scammers dictating energy policy to the puppets in the Biden administration have demanded…and received…an all out war on fossil fuels, severely depressing production…STUNNINGLY INCLUDING CLEAN NATURAL GAS.

And up until this week, the U.S. has inconceivably continued to import oil from Russia, like 650,000 barrels a day…exponentially higher in Europe…effectively funding that butcher Putin’s war effort….slaughtering women and children….to the tune of billions per month.

Yes, sheer insanity and incoherent policy.  But that has nothing to do with the change.  The political optics, obviously, had become so horrible and untenable, they had to move to ban Russian oil imports.

Remember…these Leftists only change failed, destructive policy when the politics/optics/polling/focus groups dictate it…not out of any newfound logic, compassion, or coherence.

So, as the U.S. FINALLY ceases these insane Russian oil imports…Biden is turning to Saudi Arabia, and murderous dictators in Venezuela and Iran (they are re-upping that horrid Iran deal as we speak) to increase production that the subversive Greenies won’t allow here.  And knowingly and willingly fund their Islamic/Narco terrorism in the process.

So, I guess in the eyes of the Climate Change Cultists, the fossil fuels imported from Tyrannical Dictators are less damaging to the environment than what they won’t let us produce here?  How does THAT work, exactly?  Have you EVER heard anything so f*cking illogical and retarded???

Meanwhile, Americans are getting slaughtered here with prices at the pump racing towards five bucks a gallon, and spiking energy costs permeating every facet of the economy and driving inflation to 40 year highs.

There’s no better road to robust economies, stable prices, higher standards of living, and national security than cheap, abundant energy and energy independence.  Period.

Oh, wait…We had all of that 14 months ago, but lost it in two effing seconds after that pathetic bag-o-bones, puppet of progressives that we embarrassingly call a “president” was wheeled into the White House…followed closely by a caravan of Depends-filled U-Hauls.

As the Wall Street Journal bluntly put it in a March 9th editorial…”It’s almost a miracle that any oil and gas production is occurring in America amid this political hostility.”

Remember…the Progressives and Biden WANT these bone-crushing energy prices.  They want to drive energy and gas prices so high that people, they believe, will be driven to renewables and EV’s.  Renewables that, as far as the eye can see, are incapable of fueling even a fraction of the world’s energy needs.

Talk to me in 50 years when technological advances might make mass usage of renewables economically viable.  A worthy goal, to be sure.  But until then, how about going balls to the wall on an “all-of-the-above” energy strategy?  Make sense?

And by the way, working class Americans that live paycheck to paycheck, generally speaking, can’t afford $60,000 electric vehicles.  The Lefties KNOW that, of course, but don’t give a shit.  These America-hating ideologues live in the land of rainbows, unicorns, and 87 genders, NOT the real world.

SHUT UP AND BUY A TESLA!!!  The 21st century version of “Let’em Eat Cake.”

Here’s a little factoid for ya…we are blessed to have the solution to all of this dropped right in our laps.  A near endless supply of clean natural gas, whose widespread use is the perfect bridge to a time decades down the road when renewables are (hopefully) ready for prime time.  But alas, the tree hugging commies are fighting this too.  Shocker.

Proves what f*cking frauds every single one of them are.

No one better to illustrate the insanity of the Climate Cult than John “Herman Munster” Kerry, the epitome of the out-of-touch, Progressive, pompous ass, global elitist, who actually blathered the following…

“I hope President Putin will help us to stay on track with respect to what we need to do for the climate.”

My God.  Can you imagine a more delusional, offensive statement in the midst of women and children getting slaughtered?

In a Drunken Republican exclusive, we obtained the actual email Herman Munster sent to the Kremlin War Criminal…

“Hey Vlad, Kerry here.  Do me a solid, would ya?  I realize you’re consumed at the moment bombing children’s hospitals, but it’s imperative you keep the whole climate thing on your radar screen, OK?  Don’t let your slaughter of women and children distract you from the REAL problem.  Thanks!  Talk soon.  Warmest Regards, John.”

Truth is, it’s evil, sinister, elitist bastards like Kerry and his ilk who push insane, destructive, policies that are themselves the existential threat to the world, not the Climate Change/Global Warming boogeyman.

2 thoughts on “Bad Ass 101

  1. Riboyd

    Oh yeah buy an EV. One of the main components of EV batteries is cobalt. Guess who has most of the cobalt…China. I wonder if Hunter has a stake in those companies. And for all the Greens out there: what are you going to do with all those toxic EV batteries when they start being disgarded by the millions?

    1. Jedger Hoover

      Riboyd: “Electric car batteries aren’t very difficult to get rid of because even if they’ve outlasted the usefulness for an electric car, they’re still worth quite a lot to someone,” says Jake Fisher, Consumer Reports’ senior director of auto testing. “There’s a strong demand for secondary-life batteries. It’s not like when your gas-powered engine dies and it goes to the scrapyard. For example, Nissan is using old Leaf batteries to power mobile machines in its factories around the world.”

      Nissan Leaf batteries are also being used to store energy on solar grids in California, Fisher says. Once solar panels capture energy from the sun, they need to be able to store that energy. The old EV batteries may no longer be optimal for driving but they’re still capable of energy storage.

      Even as secondary-life batteries fully degrade after various uses, minerals and elements like cobalt, lithium, and nickel in them are also valuable and can be used to produce new EV batteries.


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