Monthly Archives: March 2022

The October Surprise That Wasn’t

I love how people still use the term THE BIG LIE!!!  And most often with blood drenched veins bulging from their temples.

It’s so become part of our political vernacular, I don’t even have to define it here…we ALL know what it refers to.  And notwithstanding ongoing forensic audits of ballots in multiple battleground states that have turned up a multitude of, shall we say, “issues” with hundreds of thousands of ballots…most of us will go to our graves believing what we believe on that front.

And that’s just fine.

But THE BIG LIE itself is a big lie.  And it has absolutely nothing to do with the existence (or not) of fraudulent votes.

A couple weeks ago, The NY TIMES very quietly admitted the infamous Hunter Biden Laptop was, in fact, as real as the waves of blubber enveloping Michael Moore’s bloated carcas.  And it was quite stealthily slipped deep into the bowels of some story about Hunter Biden’s mounting legal and tax issues.

Into the 24th paragraph, to be precise.  And as you know, we here at The Drunken Republican are slaves to accuracy. Continue reading

Bad Ass 101

Ukraine.  What a clusterf*ck.  That goddamn Putin.  Riding around shirtless on a friggin’ horse.  Remember that?  Who does he think he is, Mark Wahlberg?  Now THERE’S a guy that looks good shirtless…so the ladies tell me.

Anyway…A recent Harvard-Harris poll indicates that 62% of Americans believe Putin doesn’t invade Ukraine if Trump was President.

Intuitively obvious, no?

And the 38% that disagreed with that are the same roughly 38% that polling shows approves of Biden’s abysmal, nearly annihilistic job performance.  Funny how that works, huh?

I mean, Putin pulled this shit under Bush 43 (Georgia), Obumma (Crimea), and now Ukraine under Dementia Joe.

No way to definitively PROVE this of course.  But one can often draw very clear conclusions based on a shit ton of evidence, history, and in Trump’s case, a body of work. Continue reading