Freedom Fighters

Gone are the days when I thought of Canada, just three things came to mind…

Hockey, of course…calling people HOSERS!…and all those Loser Libs who definitively declare “I SWEAR I’M MOVING TO CANADA” if some Republican (even those not named Trump) wins an election.  And sadly, not a one of them ever…EVER…follows-thru.

But as always…hope springs eternal.  Put more bluntly…Love it or leave it, a-hole.

Anyway…Every damn one of us should be absolutely sickened at the images of the police brutality those Canadian truckers have endured for simply PEACEFULLY PROTESTING authoritarian, freedom-killing, non-science based Covid vaccine mandates forced on them by that Progressive Pansy Justin Trudeau.

I get that those peacefully protesting truckers were impacting commerce between the U.S. and Canada by blocking transportation routes.  And that Trudeau was within his rights to threaten arrest unless the truckers at least stopped blocking roads while protesting.

Of course, as you probably know, this is simply know as “civil disobedience”…which MAY ultimately get you arrested…but as any good leg-wetting liberal worth his salt will tell you is a completely, and historically, legitimate form of “peaceful” protest.

But that’s not what I’m talking about, Willis.

I’m talking about Trudeau dialing up the broken record, Leftist playbook, calling these freedom yearning folks…with precisely zero evidence…things like Nazis, terrorists, racist, sexist, homophobic, yada yada…ya know, every vile, knee-jerk adjective spewed by these Leftist Pieces of Shit for simply disagreeing with them.

I’m talking about Trudeau’s tyrannical invoking of emergency powers and Martial Law, freezing trucker’s corporate and personal bank accounts, suspending their vehicle’s insurance, and seizing property.

I’m talking about GoFundMe…who enthusiastically supports fundraising by any violent, Marxist, America-hating terrorist organization like BLM…but then freezes over $10 million of donations in support of the Freedom Convoy.  And poor schlubs that scraped together a few shekels to donate are being tracked down like f*cking criminals and incredibly having their bank accounts frozen too.

This, from the Daily Mail (UK)…”A Canadian MP says the bank account of a single mom with a minimum wage job has been frozen after she donated $50 to Freedom Convoy.”

I even saw a video of a trucker, peacefully surrendering with his hands behind his head to Trudeau’s Gestapo after being informed he was being arrested, being violently taken down and the crap beat out of him.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, and I’ll keep f*cking saying it…these are sick, evil bastards.  And, oh yes, there will be a special place deep in the raging infernos of Hell for these miserable SOB’s.

As the Washington Times Editorial Board put it…”Justin Trudeau’s disgraced escalation from name-calling and vilification of the truckers to [his] iron fisted invocation of Canada’s never-before-used 1988 Emergencies Act to crush the truckers’ nonviolent protest bears a far stronger resemblance to Castro’s ruthless crushing of any and all opposition in his Caribbean island prison state.”

Here’s the screaming message for Americans – thank your lucky stars that….unlike the Canada’s, UK’s, and Australia’s of the world…we have God given freedom and property rights spelled out in the Constitution, which the Far Left Progressives overtly hate as much as their phony, divisive, made-up progressive crap like microaggressions, cultural appropriations, or using the wrong goddamn pronoun.

Just for the record…you can shove your pronouns, ok?

To these authoritarian dipwads, the Constitution is nothing but a pesky impediment to the destructive, left wing policy fantasies that the mere thought of gives them big, raging woodies.


I could go on and on with outrageous examples of this tyrannical government overreach…not just in Canada, but all around the globe.  But let’s go 30,000 foot level, or even higher, collectively channeling our inner Snoop Dog and Willie Nelson…

I would consider both truckers…and parents telling school boards and their insane Covid mandates to F off…worthy of bestowing the moniker of Freedom Fighter…albeit non-violent ones.  

These two groups are unequivocally on the front lines of fearlessly fighting these autocratic woke bastards.  Covid has unequivocally revealed the brutal, tyrannical proclivities of these elitist bullies all over the world…who laughably pass themselves off as “compassionate” and “inclusive.”

What a complete and utter joke.

Fully exposed, like shining a blinding light at a pack of nocturnal cockroaches doing the Macarena on your clean kitchen counter, and watching them scurry into the darkness.

Bernie Madoff had nothing on these scumbags in the fraud department.

Only those who weakly and meekly bend over and submit to the mind-neutering of these oppressive regimes will find any peace…but lose their dignity in the process.

For the bravery and patriotism of these Freedom Fighters, those of us that love this country should not just be grateful, but heartened and inspired.

As for Trudeau…despite his wimpish, flaccid demeanor…he’s shown unequivocally to be a tyrannical, totalitarian thug no different than Xi Jinping or Putin.  But unlike the latter two…a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

He DOES, however, have one…JUST ONE…redeeming feature.  His hair.  Not gonna lie.  He has great hair.  Another reason I hate his Commie Pinko guts.

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