Part 3 – Fedsurrection!

So….Who the hell is Ray Epps, anyway?

Not 100% sure yet, really.  Nobody’s talking.  But here’s what it looks like…

First, Epps is a 60-year-old retired Marine who was a member of the right wing Arizona Oath Keepers.

And quite the mysterious figure vis-a-vis his January 6th coming out party.

So many complex aspects to this…details, timelines, videos, etc…so I’ll try to boil it down Reader’s Digest style.  Admittedly, NOT my greatest skill…I’m much, much better at things like swilling IPA’s and fat shaming that bulbous buffoon Michael Moore.

BTW…Lots of phenomenal, excruciatingly detailed investigative reporting and connecting the dots on this, particularly from an outfit called “Revolver News,” The Washington Examiner, among others.

Trust me, I’m only giving you a small fraction of it…just to paint the picture.

And laugh all you want at investigative journalists/websites you might have never heard of.  These are the folks that ACTUALLY do investigative journalism these days, as the legacy, corporate mainstream media censors have relegated themselves to nothing but whores to the Democrat party.

These worthless pukes wouldn’t know “investigative journalism” if it crawled up their fat Socialist asses.

Anyway, here goes…

On both January 5th and 6th, Ray Epps…seen on a boatload of video…announced at multiple times and locations…his intent to breach the Capitol.  He is perhaps the only person on camera, caught dead to rights plotting a pre-planned attack on the Capitol.  Epps was ultimately seen on video leading key people and managing key aspects of the initial Capitol breach.

Stories by The NY Times, Wall Street Journal…as well as the Justice Department itself, all characterize the initial Capitol breach at 12:50pm as the “Big Bang” event on January 6th…a full 20 minutes before Trump’s speech even ended.

And Epps is seen clearly on video orchestrating the whole thing, running around whispering in the ears of other shady looking characters seconds before they began ripping down fencing and signage.

Given these facts, you’d think Epps…donning a ruby red Trump chapeau…is JUST the kind of dude the FBI would want to grab and throw the proverbial book at.  Right?

Well, the FBI did put Epps on its Capitol Violence “Most Wanted List” on January 8th, 2021.  In fact, they deemed him so important as an apparent riot organizer that they named him “Suspect #16”…one of the first 20 high-profile FBI targets ultimately out of hundreds.

Then something really weird happened.  No…Michael Moore DID NOT become a Weight Watchers spokesman.

Six months later on June 30th, published news reports…including from that bastion of conservatism NY Times…encouraged a more aggressive investigation of Mr. Epps.  People wondered out loud why this dude, one of the primary MOST WANTED figures, still had no charges filed against him.

Oops, too many questions and probing.  ABORT!  ABORT!

Lo and behold…the next day on July 1st…THE VERY NEXT F*CKING DAY…the FBI very quietly purged all references to Ray Epps on their website, and immediately, in their best Sergeant Schultz Deutsch accent, exclaimed…”I KNOW NUTH-ING!”

God, I’m back in the 60’s now.  Only the geezers will get THAT reference…no offense.

And anyone that dare ask about it are effectively told to F off.  Shit, Helen Keller with a bag over her head could see through this cover-up.

So…about three months ago, there was a House Judiciary Committee hearing looking at “Jan. 6th,” and after Attorney General Merrick Garland…a slimy weasel IMHO…continually refused to answer most questions, hiding behind the wonderfully convenient “can’t comment on open investigations” bullshit, was asked VERY GENERALLY by Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY)…

Can you tell us, without talking about particular incidents or particular videos, how many agents or assets of the federal government were present on January 6th, whether they agitated to go into the Capitol, and if any of them did?”

AG Weasel…I mean, uh, Garland, replied, “So I’m not going to violate this norm of, uh, of, of, of, the rule of law.  [Looks down and away].  I’m not going to comment on an investigation that’s ongoing.”

That’s OK, Mr. Attorney General.  You’re body language…like a 6-year-old caught lying by his teacher about plunging little Becky’s pigtails in the inkwell…told us all we need to know.

Attorney General Ralph Kramden…HUMINA, HUMINA, HUMINA…

In a similar Senate hearing about a month ago, Ted Cruz (R-TX), grilled Jill Sanborn, a top FBI official, about her knowledge of Epps, including why he was so abruptly purged from the FBI Most Wanted List.

Like Garland, Sanborn stonewalled, saying bluntly she could not answer that, nor disclose “sources and methods.”  


Right after Cruz, Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) asked Assistant AG Matthew Olson if the FBI had any plainclothes officers in the crowd of rioters on January 6th.  Olson said he did not know.

HE DIDN’T KNOW!?!?  Absolutely unfathomable.  Either they did or didn’t.  Of course he knew.

And in a pathetic attempt by Pelosi’s faux committee to sweep all of this under the rug like a pile of dust, they hurriedly interviewed Ray Epps in a non-public setting, and did not release the transcript.  Apparently, Epps simply denied being an FBI informant, and the fake committee sprinted to their media concubines to report it.


This ain’t our first rodeo, assholes.  We’ve seen this broken record, Democrat scandal/cover-up template and M.O. ad nauseam…Clam up, lock down and hide documents.  Scream “CONSPIRACY THEORY.”  Media black outs.  Social media censoring.

Russian collusion/Hunter Biden laptop redux.

As was displayed in the worst political scandal in the history of the country…the aforementioned Russian collusion scam…there are simply no limits to the lengths these Deep State Commie Bastards, the Democrap party, and the Media will go…not only to prevent Orange Monster from running in 2024, but to literally destroy the man and his family in the process.

That’s ALL this is about.  And that’s why all of this “Fedsurrection” talk is not only believable, but in fact, quite likely.  And the seemingly primary reason for Pelosi to put the National Guard on ice.

And if it’s all bullshit?  GREAT!  WONDERFUL!  Answering a few simple questions can put it all to bed, so we can all move on to the next Democrat scandal.

But at this point, this whole thing is fishier than a 10 pound bass rotting on the hot pavement in the boiling Florida sun.

And if you can’t smell THIS rat, it’s time for a goddamn Covid test because your sense of smell sucks.

1 thought on “Part 3 – Fedsurrection!

  1. Tom

    You consistently miss the big picture and wallow in inconsequential and delusional conspiracy theories and culture wars. If Republicans (drunken and sober) want to reclaim prominence, not just a mid-term majority, then Real Republicans need to move forward with a positive platform that prioritizes economic prosperity, security (defense & border) and a positive vision of the future for all Americans. Even if every theory you have was true, SO WHAT! It’s not a plan for the future. In a way, you are playing into the Democrats hand and looking backwards.

    We are surviving the 2 worst Presidential terms in my lifetime. I have little doubt that history will make this clear. Where is the next leader with Vision, Character and Compassion? Despite the pathetic terms of Trump and Biden, I believe we will rise above this quagmire and the next generation of insightful leadership will rise up and regain control of this country. We still have enormous capacity and potential. It’s only been distracted, just as you’ve been distracted.

    It’s not too late, but we need the Drunken Republican to join the RR team and promote a pathway to the future. Can you do it? Let’s see your Republican vision of the future. Put names on it and policies. You Gotta Believe!


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