Monthly Archives: February 2022

Freedom Fighters

Gone are the days when I thought of Canada, just three things came to mind…

Hockey, of course…calling people HOSERS!…and all those Loser Libs who definitively declare “I SWEAR I’M MOVING TO CANADA” if some Republican (even those not named Trump) wins an election.  And sadly, not a one of them ever…EVER…follows-thru.

But as always…hope springs eternal.  Put more bluntly…Love it or leave it, a-hole.

Anyway…Every damn one of us should be absolutely sickened at the images of the police brutality those Canadian truckers have endured for simply PEACEFULLY PROTESTING authoritarian, freedom-killing, non-science based Covid vaccine mandates forced on them by that Progressive Pansy Justin Trudeau.

I get that those peacefully protesting truckers were impacting commerce between the U.S. and Canada by blocking transportation routes.  And that Trudeau was within his rights to threaten arrest unless the truckers at least stopped blocking roads while protesting.

Of course, as you probably know, this is simply know as “civil disobedience”…which MAY ultimately get you arrested…but as any good leg-wetting liberal worth his salt will tell you is a completely, and historically, legitimate form of “peaceful” protest.

But that’s not what I’m talking about, Willis. Continue reading

Part 3 – Fedsurrection!

So….Who the hell is Ray Epps, anyway?

Not 100% sure yet, really.  Nobody’s talking.  But here’s what it looks like…

First, Epps is a 60-year-old retired Marine who was a member of the right wing Arizona Oath Keepers.

And quite the mysterious figure vis-a-vis his January 6th coming out party.

So many complex aspects to this…details, timelines, videos, etc…so I’ll try to boil it down Reader’s Digest style.  Admittedly, NOT my greatest skill…I’m much, much better at things like swilling IPA’s and fat shaming that bulbous buffoon Michael Moore.

BTW…Lots of phenomenal, excruciatingly detailed investigative reporting and connecting the dots on this, particularly from an outfit called “Revolver News,” The Washington Examiner, among others.

Trust me, I’m only giving you a small fraction of it…just to paint the picture. Continue reading