Part 2 – Committees, Corruption, and Cover-Ups

If you read Part 1 of this trilogy…and why wouldn’t you…you know the whole rap about how Pelosi greased the skids for chaos to ensue on Jan 6th by refusing to activate 10 to 20 thousand National Guard that Trump approved thru the DoD, gave her on a goddamn silver platter, and implored her to mobilize.

NOT incompetence, mind you, but 100% by design…for purely nefarious political purposes…and quite frankly, brilliantly executed.  WELL DONE!!!  C’mon, credit where credit is due.  NOBODY on the planet…and I mean NOBODY…is truly incompetent enough to NOT activate the Guard that day.

Let’s peel the onion back a bit.

Almost immediately on Jan. 6th, the Dems and media wailed about the MASSIVE SECURITY FAILURE!!!  Of course, as I clearly explained, it was no failure at all.  In fact, it was a raging success.

Still, to perpetuate and juice the fake narrative, you need a fall guy.  Two in this case…the House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving, and Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund, both of whom “resigned.”

Interestingly, these gentlemen provided completely conflicting testimony vis-a-vis the security decisions leading up to Jan. 6th.  But knowing that the House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving works for Pelosi and doesn’t drop a deuce without her permission, we don’t need Sherlock F*cking Holmes to figure out which one’s lying to enable Pelosi’s cover-up.

Anyway…Pelosi creates this phony, partisan “January 6th Committee” that consists of 7 Democrats, Liz Cheney, and Adam Kinzinger…two of the biggest Trump hating RINO’s on the planet.

Beyond laughable.  But let’s back up a smidge.

So, 100% of the time with these newly formed committees, the Speaker (Pelosi), asks the Minority Leader (Kevin McCarthy) for a list of representatives (Republicans) to serve on the committee.  Two of the five Republicans submitted by McCarthy…Jim Jordan of Ohio and Jim Banks of Indiana were rejected by Pelosi.  As I understand it, this is unprecedented…like it’s never f*cking happened.

But why?

Easy.  These are two Trump allies…total bulldogs…that Pelosi KNOWS will eventually find the truth by wrangling loose documents, emails, and texts showing communications that went thru her office vis-a-vis Capitol security.

I mean, aren’t we after “the truth? “  Isn’t that the whole f*cking point of all this?

BAHAHAHAHA…you silly gooses!  Geese?  Hmmm…

McCarthy called Pelosi’s unprecedented move “an egregious abuse of power” and rightly pulled all of his five picks from the panel.  I mean, why enable or even remotely legitimize her sham committee and its pre-determined outcome by even participating?

Congressman Rodney Davis of Illinois, the top Republican on the House Administration Committee, which oversees the management of the Capitol Complex, wrote in a statement to the Washington Times…

The Sergeant-at-Arms, at the direction of the speaker, has refused to provide us their communications surrounding January 6th.  I believe those records will show there was a lot of communications and coordination between the speaker’s office and law enforcement officials leading up to and on Jan. 6th.”

In a letter to Pelosi shortly thereafter, Davis reiterated House Republicans’ demands for the release of documents and communications involving the decision not to deploy the National Guard for the mass protests anticipated that day.

So here’s the big FU response from the very committee tasked with understanding the “security failures” that day, the epicenter of which is Nancy Pelosi and her flunkie Sergeant-at-Arms…

Committee Chairman, Mississippi Democrat Bennie Thompson, when talking about the “security disaster” that day to CNN back in July, had the watermelon-sized balls to spew the following…”I don’t see the speaker being part and parcel of that.”

Oh really Bennie?  That’s like saying Hitler had nothing to do with the Holocaust.  My God, what an effing cavalier, overt, spit in your face cover-up.

Here’s how a recent article in The Federalist puts it…”It’s no wonder then, why Pelosi kept Reps. Jim Banks (R-IN) and Jim Jordan (R-OH), from the panel.  Neither of the two Pelosi-appointed Republicans on the Select Committee, NeverTrump crusader Reps. Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), have raised questions over the speaker’s culpability or lack of due diligence in securing the Capitol.”

As sure as Pelosi has $1,000 worth of Haagen Dazs in her stupid $25,000 refrigerator, she knows that the “Jims”…Banks and Jordan…would move Heaven and Earth to obtain the documents and communications Pelosi is desperately concealing.

But here’s the other angle as to why Pelosi put those dudes on ice to prevent them from exposing her corrupt cover-up and faux “committee”…

According to reports, there’s over 14,000 hours of security video from the Capitol on Jan. 6th.  The cherry-picked, narrative-building ones released show the bad behavior of the tiny fraction of folks that broke windows, trespassed, and got in a few skirmishes with cops.

These rabble rousers have rightly been rounded up and are being prosecuted for their mostly minor crimes.  Good.  Wonderful.  Yipee!!!

But it’s safe to assume the lion’s share of the other video that Pelosi REFUSES to release shows anything BUT an ARMED INSURRECTION!!!

Shit, Pelosi is fighting the organization Judicial Watch tooth and nail in federal court to prevent public release of ANY of this reportedly 14,000+ hours of narrative destroying video.

Can this endless obfuscation and cover-up be ANY more f*cking obvious???  My God.

Still, some of this video had slipped by the goalie, mostly shot by folks at the Capitol, including independent journalists.

Crowds of people slowly milling around the Capitol like tourists, taking photos…Capitol police moving barricades and literally ushering folks into the Capitol…police calmly yuking it up with the ARMED INSURRECTIONISTS!!! and taking selfie’s.

Yeah.  Selfies.


In one of the several I watched myself, an armed police officer calmly asks one of the INSURRECTIONISTS!!!…”Any chance I can get you guys to leave the Senate Wing?”

Polite chap.  Apparently, it was “BE NICE TO AN INSURRECTIONIST”  DAY.

So this committee is unequivocally, undebatably, and undeniably just another big Democrat, media enabled sham covering up Pelosi’s big scam.

The silver lining?  When the GOP takes the House back in November, a lot of shit related to this and numerous other Dem scandals will finally see the light of day.  

And yes…even though WE KNOW the media won’t cover it, and the Deep State pukes in the Justice Department won’t hold anyone in the Dem Party or on the Left accountable, the truth needs to be fully exposed, nonetheless.  As far as I’m concerned, it already has.

To close, some encapsulating thoughts and perspectives plucked from a recent…and brilliant…Michael Goodwin piece in the NY Post…

When it comes to weaponizing Jan. 6th for partisan purposes, Dems don’t know any limitations.  Indeed, sometimes it was hard to tell on [the recent Jan. 6 anniversary] if they were commemorating a tragedy or celebrating an opportunity.”

“The essence of the problem is that Biden and party leaders, facing massive voter discontent with his failed leadership on the economy, the pandemic and other areas, have seized on the Capitol riot to portray it as an actual “insurrection” that threatened America…they have gone so far as to equate opponents and critics of their far left agenda as enemies of the state, making their reaction a far greater danger to democracy than anything that happened on that fateful day.”

“Nancy Pelosi’s House has devoted itself to an investigation that is little more than Trump Impeachment 3.0.  Just as they hoped their two failed impeachments would bar him permanently from holding public office, some Dems are now advocating the use of a clause in the 14th amendment that prevents any official who “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” from ever holding office again…It sounds ludicrous, but they are deadly serious.”

Yeah.  What he said.

Part 3 Preview – Who is Ray Epps?

2 thoughts on “Part 2 – Committees, Corruption, and Cover-Ups

  1. Taco Pepper

    I’ll say it again. As much as you try and shift blame to anyone besides 45, Jan 6th would never have even happened if it wasn’t for his complete and total bullshit made up lie that created that idiotic event in the first place.

  2. Tom

    You’re sounding more and more desperate and paranoid. However, your fears are misplaced, because it’s probably going to be the tax man that brings down the Trump empire, not the Jan 6th committee.

    I have a question: If Trump pulls off the miracle comeback you desire, do you think he’ll also pardon Pelosi for all her supposed Jan 6th crimes? Or will he only pardon the Hitler youth?

    I threw that Hitler thing in there because it seems like Trumpers (yourself included) have a fascination with comparing things to Hitler. What’s up with that? (Plus, I’ll use an Animal House reference whenever I can)


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