Part 1 – Welcome To Political Theater. Now Playing…”The Insurrectionist!”

Got a lot to say.  What else is new?…said everyone in unison.  Not going full-on Rocky with this shit, but it WILL be a trilogy.

You want the truth?  Read on.  If not…walk away.

Let’s start with this…

Virtually everyone on the Right…every Republican…has completely condemned this Jan. 6th protest that morphed into a riot at certain points, plenty of criminal trespassing and assaults on police.

OK, at this point, take a deep breath…maybe a dark chocolate edible melted over a Xanax…or whatever works for you…

Repeat after me…This was not an INSURRECTION!!!  There were no ARMED INCURRECTIONISTS!!!

See?  That wasn’t hard.

There WAS a rather affable looking dude with a cool Viking helmet wielding a very threatening Trump flag.  Yep, there was him.  And a bunch of knuckleheads like him who broke various trespassing and other laws.

At least 725 people have been rounded up in one of the biggest manhunts in history to be prosecuted for the mayhem…as they should.

And over a year later, not a single charge of sedition or insurrection.  Not a one.  So just f*cking stop.  Please.

There was one person tragically killed…a 35-year-old Marine veteran protester, Ashli Babbitt, who was unarmed and summarily executed by the Capitol Police for the heinous crime of trespassing.  Oops.

After a near total obfuscation of THAT killing befitting of the Washington swamp, the cop…a black dude who stunningly refused to cooperate with investigators…was quietly cleared of wrongdoing anyway.

A f*cking whitewash all day long.

Lefty liars STILL say a Capitol Police officer was killed getting hit in the head with a fire extinguisher.  But like the Ferguson, MO,  “HANDS UP, DON’T SHOOT” myth…it never happened.

Anyway…It was atrocious.  It was abhorrent.  It was a national disgrace.  It was uglier than Maxine Waters without the clown make-up…a woman, btw who could scare the flies off of a friggin’ manure truck.

But it was a one day event.

Congress finished their important business that day…albeit a few hours late.

And this is where the political kabuki theater begins.

Now…If you had the misfortune of witnessing President Squinty and VP Cackle’s Jan 6th remarks last week, you should be outraged.  I am f*cking livid.  Still.

That vile incompetent bitch Comma-La has the goddamn gall to compare and elevate the one day event of Jan 6th to Pearl Harbor and 9/11.  I’ve heard a lot of outrageous, offensive shit from these subversive assholes, but this cannot effing stand.

Not only does this nauseating discourse conjure images of straitjackets and mental hospitals, but the overt and unapologetic defecating on the graves of the 2,400 that perished in 1941 and nearly 3,000 innocent Americans slaughtered on 9/11…extending to the additional hundreds of thousands of Americans who died in places like the beaches of Normandy and in Afghanistan in conflicts spawned by those history and life-altering events…cannot simply be written off and excused as provocative and hyperbolic political rhetoric.

And this, from a broad who not only dismissed the 574 BLM/Antifa riots in the summer of 2020, the dozens killed, 2,400 cops hospitalized, billions of dollars of property damage, businesses and lives destroyed, police stations commandeered…but in fact cheered them on, and contributed to and promoted a fund set up to bail out the very violent rioters who perpetrated these atrocities.

Recap…People on the Right denounced the Jan. 6th mayhem.  People on the Left cheered on the light years more destructive Summer 2020 riots.  Questions?

And quite frankly, anyone that dares to call themselves an American, and isn’t equally outraged by those words that seeped out of Harris’s ass-crack masquerading as a mouth has some serious soul-searching to do.

About the nicest way I can say it.

Ok, off the soap box.  Moving along…

Let me be perfectly clear…he said in his best Nixon voice…even most on the Right attribute some level of culpability to Donald Trump for setting the stage for potential mayhem…not necessarily for his speech that day, but more as a culmination of his post-election actions that may have ginned-up the small handful of crazies that Pelosi enabled to breach the Capitol.  

But let’s keep it real.

He famously implored folks to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”  More critical and clarifying, however, are the lengths gone to by Trump days before to coordinate with the Department of Defense…as the law requires…thru Secretary of Defense Chief of Staff Kash Patel, to approve the availability of up to 20,000 National Guard to protect the Capitol.

Unfortunately, Trump was not legally authorized to actually activate them.  The responsibility to secure/defend the Capitol is borne solely by the Botox Bimbo herself, Speaker of the House Pelosi, her flunkie – the Sergeant at Arms, and Lefty DC Mayor Muriel Bowser.

A more raging no-brainer in the history of the world doesn’t exist.  This is akin to deliberately NOT grabbing your umbrella as you are about to walk out of the house into a driving rain storm.

Yet Pelosi and Bowser…ON MULTIPLE OCCASIONS…refused to activate the Guard.

What?  Doesn’t make sense, you say?  C’mon, have you not learned anything by reading this blog?

The fundamental and undisputed scenario of the day itself necessitated massive security around the Capitol…National Guard for sure, and probably even impenetrable security fencing.

Both of which Pelosi did in subsequent days for purely political, narrative building optics.  That’s like calling the fire department three days after your house burned to a crisp.


I’ll spell it out even further for anyone that might have traveled in on the short bus…

Picture, if you will…a quarter million pissed-off people, clear intelligence that indicated some radical groups were planning to breach the Capitol, a highly emotionally charged and volatile situation under which Congress was to carry out their constitutional duty of certifying electors for arguably one of the most divisive and controversial presidential elections in history.

The proverbial powder keg.


But no.

So let me get this straight…the guy that unequivocally told folks to proceed peacefully and patriotically…quickly approved and made available 20,000 National Guard…and vehemently implored those responsible to sign-off on activation of said Guard, which would have absolutely prevented the Jan. 6th shit show….

You’re gonna try to tell me that HE’S THE GUY THAT PLANNED AND LED AN “INSURRECTION”???  REALLY?!?!

Yeah…I don’t think so.  Again, neither does the Justice Department.  He did everything humanly and legally possible to prevent a volatile situation from devolving into an unmitigated shit show.   

Think Russian Collusion 2.0  – faker than your stripper cousin’s surgically enhanced double D’s. The political hay fraudulently being made of this would feed a stable of horses for a century.

And I would be remiss to not give a shout out to the corporate media propagandists who perpetuate the fake narratives, and conspire with the book-burning social media Communists to neutralize the threat of anyone who dare seek the truth.

As former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich put it…”It was [Pelosi’s] job to ensure that there was adequate police, and if they didn’t have adequate police it was her job to ensure that the National Guard was there.  So a lot of this, I think, is a dance by the Democrats, who don’t want us to look very closely at what actually happened.  As a former Speaker, I was really offended that the current Speaker, Pelosi, failed so totally in her job, which was to make sure this didn’t happen.”

This is not to absolve anyone of blame or illegality, or deny the horror of that day.

This is simply to tell the naked, unvarnished truth…and NEWS FLASH!!!…anyone’s unhinged hatred of The Big Bad Orange Man…or TDS-induced hysterical reaction…has zero bearing on said truth.

Nor does saying “INSURRECTION!!!” nine million times.

But knock yourselves out.

Part 2 Preview:  Pelosi’s cover-up, the politics behind it all, and her overtly fake Jan 6th Committee.

4 thoughts on “Part 1 – Welcome To Political Theater. Now Playing…”The Insurrectionist!”

  1. Tom

    In today’s biased and partisan world, the January 6th events won’t be sorted out for a long time. History will sort this out, not you or other pundits or the current Congress. When Trump or Rudy or Mr. Pillow finally bring forward their overwhelming evidence of voter fraud, then we’ll have a clearer picture of the situation. I can’t wait for that blockbuster day. Until then, let’s figure out the best way to govern this country in a sensible way. Let’s get rid of all the idiots that spread lies and the idiots that break the laws because they believe such lies. Make America Idiot Free!

  2. Taco Pepper

    Of all the garbage I have read here, this one may take the cake. Let’s see, which of your “facts” do I like the most?

    “Most Republicans have condemned January 6th?” Haha except for the 87% who would still gladly vote for the guy who got destroyed by Senile Joe and swing from Trump’s nuts every day, still, even though he is a one-term loser who cost his party the White House and and both houses of Congress.

    “Poor innocent Ashli…””. Umm, I love how you call it trespassing like she was sneaking on to play Bay Hill at night. She and all of those other wretched losers in life (who all happen to be Trump fans, no coincidence) were violently trying to break into the Nations Capitol building while Congress was actively in session. Here’s a little tip for you. If you don’t want to get shot, don’t try to forcibly and illegally enter a federal building when the 2nd and 3rd person in succession for the Presidency were actually in there doing their jobs.

    Do you know what happens if you try and break into the White House illegally while the President is there? The same thing that happened to that completely deserving lawbreaker and should have happened to all the fake Patriots who did the same thing.

    “Peacefully encouraged by 45.” This may be the biggest laugher of them all. Starting with his tweet several days before, promising a “wild time on Jan. 6th”, and then with his incoherent BS speech as always dumping lie after lie, there was nothing he wanted or loved more than for his will to be enforced at the Capitol by any means necessary. His complete inaction for several hours followed by his joke of a speech “we love you, you are all very special” proves once again how much he (and most of his clown supporters) loved every bit of it.

    And here is the kicker.. why did that idiotic rally even happen in the first place? For one reason, and one reason only. Trump got his ass completely kicked and he couldn’t deal with the blow to his ego so he made up this fallacy and tried to illegally assert his will in GA, AZ, and anywhere else someone would take his pathetic calls.

    He lost. You know he lost. We ALL know he lost. And yet we are somehow portraying him and all of those other lawless fake-patriot hillbillies who tried to overturn a legal election as the victims here?

    “No way 80 million people voted for Biden.” That’s the truth within all this crap. You know why? Because 80 million of us gladly voted against the most corrupt and deceitful “President” this country has ever seen. We would have voted for a house plant over Trump, and it looks like we may have.

    I love how all of you claim “Law and Order” until it is your collective pile of dog squeeze are the ones breaking the law and violently entering a building they had no business trying to enter.

    More and more real Republicans are calling out Trump each day for the phony he is, was, and always will be. I sure hope someday you figure it out too.

  3. Tom

    Oops, looks like you need to update your blog and note the 11 seditious conspiracy charges filed regarding J6 events. But then again, I’m beginning to believe that TDR is part of the secret plan to discredit #45 with crazy rants. You’re doing a pretty good job – keep up the good work.


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