Daily Archives: January 13, 2022

Part 1 – Welcome To Political Theater. Now Playing…”The Insurrectionist!”

Got a lot to say.  What else is new?…said everyone in unison.  Not going full-on Rocky with this shit, but it WILL be a trilogy.

You want the truth?  Read on.  If not…walk away.

Let’s start with this…

Virtually everyone on the Right…every Republican…has completely condemned this Jan. 6th protest that morphed into a riot at certain points, plenty of criminal trespassing and assaults on police.

OK, at this point, take a deep breath…maybe a dark chocolate edible melted over a Xanax…or whatever works for you…

Repeat after me…This was not an INSURRECTION!!!  There were no ARMED INCURRECTIONISTS!!!

See?  That wasn’t hard. Continue reading