Monthly Archives: January 2022

Part 2 – Committees, Corruption, and Cover-Ups

If you read Part 1 of this trilogy…and why wouldn’t you…you know the whole rap about how Pelosi greased the skids for chaos to ensue on Jan 6th by refusing to activate 10 to 20 thousand National Guard that Trump approved thru the DoD, gave her on a goddamn silver platter, and implored her to mobilize.

NOT incompetence, mind you, but 100% by design…for purely nefarious political purposes…and quite frankly, brilliantly executed.  WELL DONE!!!  C’mon, credit where credit is due.  NOBODY on the planet…and I mean NOBODY…is truly incompetent enough to NOT activate the Guard that day.

Let’s peel the onion back a bit.

Almost immediately on Jan. 6th, the Dems and media wailed about the MASSIVE SECURITY FAILURE!!!  Of course, as I clearly explained, it was no failure at all.  In fact, it was a raging success.

Still, to perpetuate and juice the fake narrative, you need a fall guy.  Two in this case…the House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving, and Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund, both of whom “resigned.” Continue reading

Part 1 – Welcome To Political Theater. Now Playing…”The Insurrectionist!”

Got a lot to say.  What else is new?…said everyone in unison.  Not going full-on Rocky with this shit, but it WILL be a trilogy.

You want the truth?  Read on.  If not…walk away.

Let’s start with this…

Virtually everyone on the Right…every Republican…has completely condemned this Jan. 6th protest that morphed into a riot at certain points, plenty of criminal trespassing and assaults on police.

OK, at this point, take a deep breath…maybe a dark chocolate edible melted over a Xanax…or whatever works for you…

Repeat after me…This was not an INSURRECTION!!!  There were no ARMED INCURRECTIONISTS!!!

See?  That wasn’t hard. Continue reading