Cruising, Christmas Markets, and Covid

Pretty sure I just set the inauspicious record for the longest stretch of time without posting a blog…close to a month…since I started this nonsense way back in 2016, when Crooked Hillary was still coughing her way through piss-poorly attended campaign events, and rocking the XXL pantsuit du jour.

Not that anyone gives a shit or even noticed…he said self-loathingly, channeling his inner Eeyore, Winnie-the-Pooh’s donkey pal.

Anyway, finally back on that horse.

And now for something completely different…as the Monty Python guys used to say…and without further ado…



So…several months ago, my better half informed me it was time to fulfill one of her bucket list items…at which point I was fully expecting to be served with divorce papers.

Thankfully, it was simply a Rhine River cruise to visit the Christmas markets in Europe …mostly through Germany, and with a taste of France.

“Yes, dear,” I obediently replied with great relief.

We’ve traveled Europe fairly extensively the past several years, but always in the warmer weather.  This wasn’t really on my radar screen, but sounded cool, so I was game.

Long story short (ok, maybe too late for that)…the trip was awesome.  But traveling internationally during Covid proved more challenging than Michael Moore dragging his bloated carcass up a steep, spiral staircase.

In the span of a seven day trip, we needed three Covid tests.  A negative test to get on the cruise, a negative test to enter certain countries, and a negative test…within one effing day…of coming back into the U.S.

Thanks Fauci, you fraudulent f*cking troll.

So…The last day of the trip was in Strasbourg, France, and while roaming the Christmas markets we had to sniff out a Covid test at one of the local pharmacies…but to be honest, they made it pretty quick and easy.  Still, a royal, stress inducing pain in the ass.

The whole trip you’re on pins and needles.  Like, what if someone is asymptomatic and pulls a positive test?  Can’t get on the ship?  Get thrown off the ship?  Can’t re-enter the U.S.?

Successfully jumping through all of those authoritarian hoops felt like winning the friggin’ Powerball.

One experience that I found hilarious that others in my traveling group of four didn’t necessarily, was attempting to grab a quick bite at a little cafe in Mainz, Germany.  The dude manning the door would not allow us entry unless we had the vaccine “booster.”

Well, none of us had.  But all of us were double vaccinated, had gotten about 37 negative tests, and still…sagt nicht!

That’s “No Dice” in Deutsch.

Sheer insanity.  They ultimately allowed us to mask-up, run inside to the breakfast buffet, and run back outside to eat in 40 degree weather.  I learned decades ago to take what you can get.  Even cold eggs.

For me…even as totally nonsensical as all of that was…it was simply part of the experience, albeit a head-shaking one.

But the thing that happened that can be described no other way than surreal, was when the four of us were just standing around, minding our own business, sipping some hot wine (which I likened to warmed-up Robitussin) at one of the Christmas markets, when some rather imposing galoot in the German police approached us wanting to see our vaccination cards.

Like…our “papers?”  Really?  I immediately felt transported back to WWII Germany…”THE BIG ONE,” as Archie Bunker used to call it.

Or maybe like I was an extra in a Hogan’s Heroes episode.  

Ok, now the inevitable pivot back to the political.  Like you didn’t see THAT coming.

So, despite the fact that Covid has juiced the authoritarian proclivities of regimes all around the globe…including the good old U. S. of A….there IS a big positive.

Look at Europe.  Now, these are people that have largely bent over, so to speak, to their respective governments…relinquishing many personal freedoms and submitting to confiscatory taxation in return for cradle to grave entitlements.

Sure, folks in the U.S. are fighting back against these freedom crushing Covid policies as one would fully expect.

But the Europeans…OF ALL PEOPLE…are rebelling…big time…against these endless, severe Covid restrictions and lockdowns.  The U.K.  France.  Italy.  Germany.  Thousands and thousands taking to the streets in protest.  Some even becoming violent.

You can add Australia to that list as well.

I mean, have you SEEN those videos of multiple police literally tackling some Aussie dude in a park…FOR NOT WEARING HIS GODDAMN MASK!  OUTSIDE!!

My God, what in Sam F*cking Hell is wrong with these people??

In my view, we are unequivocally in the midst of World War III…albeit a non-shooting war…for now.  The Wuhan Flu is being exploited as a phony underpinning for the authoritarian elitist regimes all over the world to force us knuckle-dragging rubes into some sort of bizarre modern-day social slavery.

And the people of the world, en masse, are done with it.  And I mean DONE.

So, consider my “WWIII” characterization an overstatement at your own risk.  These oppressive regimes…yes, including President Poopy Pants and his masters – Bernie, AOC, and Dr. Faucistein…will simply not tolerate this worldwide resistance.

I mean, this could get uglier than a close-up shot of that Cackling Commie Yenta Joy Behar.

When you remember THE FORMULA, everything going on in the world today makes perfect sense…


Learn it.  Know it.  Live it.

And WE THE PEOPLE…the people of the world, that is…have collectively channeled our inner Roberto Duran, screaming “NO MAS!”

The policies crammed up our collective derrières vis-a-vis the southern border and climate change, for example, have absolutely nothing to do with iota of concern for those “poor” immigrants, or the well-being of planet earth, respectively.

Similarly, the authoritarian Covid-related mandates and lockdowns have precisely ZERO to do with any speck of concern for public health.

C’mon, are we not all GETTING this yet?!?!

The sole purpose of these bone-crushing policies dished out by the White Socialist Elites running these “Let’em Eat Cake” regimes is to instill fear and create dependency as a means to gain and maintain power in perpetuity.

Unless and until YOU accept that reality and fight back, you will be nothing but one of the millions of helpless sheep ultimately led to slaughter.

Don’t be a sheep.

1 thought on “Cruising, Christmas Markets, and Covid

  1. Tom

    Welcome back. Seems like saying “we’re in WWIII” and “living in an oppressive regime” is also fearmongering. I guess FEAR = ATTENTION is another approach favored by those seeking attention. Seems like most media outlets have subscribed to this approach.


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