The Kyle Trial

Kyle Rittenhouse.  Self Defense.  NOT GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS.  Obviously.

At least obvious to honest people with an IQ over 50 that actually watched the trial…which clearly excludes all Biden voters, and even Sleepy himself, who stunningly and inappropriately tweeted that he was “angry and concerned” about the verdict.

Can you imagine an occupant of the White House defecating on that brave jury and our justice System like that?  Absolutely nauseating.  Go back to sleep Joe, you idiotic corrupt dementia patient.

But this trial was far more than what felt like a daytime legal reality series watched obsessively by housewives and old retired dudes.  It was an absolute case study in everything that’s destroying our country…phony media narratives cloaked in the purposely divisive politics of race.

It was the media narrative itself…phonier than the fake boobs on some extremely high maintenance trophy wife…that prompted action by Rittenhouse in the first place that fateful night in Kenosha, and will change his life forever.

If you recall, BLM (& other) rioters commenced burning down Kenosha, Wisconsin in August 2020 after the Media Marxists reported that a black dude by the name of Jacob Blake…whom they inaccurately described as “unarmed”…was shot by a police officer, paralyzing him.


You see, he wasn’t unarmed.  A woman that Blake had sexually assaulted called police when he showed up to her house…in violation of a restraining order, and wielding a knife…attempted to kidnap a child.  Blake ultimately refused to drop the knife, and in a scuffle with police, was shot.

And what do ya know?  The police officer was ultimately cleared of wrongdoing…as often happens in these cases once those pesky little facts rear their ugly head like Punxsutawney Phil.

YOU threaten a cop with a knife and see what effing happens.  And I don’t give a f*ck what color you are.

Black dude shot by police.  Media narrative lies about the “facts.”  Riots ensue.


Local law enforcement, of course, shackled by the local progressive politicians who are their bosses…do nothing.  As we all nauseatingly witnessed in progressive blue cities all around the country in the summer of 2020.

Enter 17-year-old Good Samaritan Kyle Rittenhouse, who goes to the scene to clean graffiti, snuff out fires, render first aid, and help protect a car lot from being burned down…at the request of its owner.

The BEST of intentions.  And yes, in possession of an AR-15 for protection…a move that ultimately saved his young life.

OK, so I think most of us will agree at this point that Rittenhouse should have never gone there, even WITH good intentions.  But he wasn’t on trial for doing something stupid…or bad judgement…WAS HE???

If doing stupid shit as a 17 year old was illegal, I’d probably STILL be shackled with an ankle bracelet to this day.  Most of you too, I reckon.

Months before the trial even started, the media had convicted poor Kyle in the court of public opinion, branding him a racist, a white supremacist, a vigilante.

With zero proof, mind you…just some mischaracterized images, fake narratives, and wishful thinking.  Ya know, the stuff that makes for Pulitzer Prize winning journalism.

Truth is, there never should have been any charges.  But because of the bone-crushing political pressure a few months after the George Floyd incident, Rittenhouse had the book thrown at him after about 48 hours…long before any REAL investigation happened.

Why?  Because the Marxist Media, Twitter Mob, and Progressive politicians demanded it.

Which explains the various instances of, in my opinion, prosecutorial misconduct by that snarky little wuss of a prosecutor.

Desperate bastard never had a case.  Ever.


The phony media narrative…which continued both during, and stunningly, after the trial…was more endless than the rolls of blubber pouring over the waistband of Michael Moore’s sansabelt slacks.

Awesome columnist for the NY Post, Miranda Devine, wrote a stellar article laying out the 10 biggest media lies about Kyle Rittenhouse.  Don’t worry, I won’t torture you with all of them, I’ll just give you the Gold, Silver, and Bronze medal winners…


All three of the men he shot in self defense during violent riots in Kenosha in August 2020 were white.  Yet to this day, these puke bags are STILL pushing the “white supremacy” narrative.


Laughably, the Marxist A-Holes that are trying to destroy this country seem to have some weird obsessive fetish with the border between Illinois and Wisconsin, but don’t give a flying F about the open southern border catastrophe.  Huh?

And the conniptions that he CROSSED STATE LINES!!!  Jesus.  Might be the most retarded aspect in this whole deal.  The narrative, of course, is that he was a white supremacist vigilante “outsider” LOOKING TO KILL PEOPLE!!!

In fact, he lived a mere 20 miles from Kenosha, had tons of family there, and he worked there as a lifeguard.  He was there practically every day.


As for the gun…he DID NOT take it across state lines.  He, quite responsibly, kept it in a safe at his best friend’s stepfather’s house in Kenosha.


Sorry liars, wrong again.  Under Wisconsin law, Rittenhouse was entitled to possess the AR-15 as a 17-year-old.  The judge dismissed the gun charge, which the prosecution never should have brought.

And one quick honorable mention….

This whole White Supremacist shit, which is the cracking foundation supporting their whole flimsy media house-of-cards narrative, is also complete BS.  Investigators went through Rittenhouse’s phone with a fine tooth comb, and found zero evidence of this.

None.  Nada.  Zippo.

Just some pro-police, thin-blue-line stuff.  And there’s no better window into the character…if not the soul…of a 17-year-old than their cell phone.

Look, everyone on the planet wishes this whole episode never happened…but it did.  Many are saying there are no winners here.  Allow me to offer a contrarian perspective.

Kyle Rittenhouse won his freedom, thanks in large part to video taken by independent journalists on the scene.  Absent that, these Progressive scumbag prosecutors may very well have been successful in throwing him behind bars for life…even knowing he was innocent…without batting an eye.

The American Judicial System won.  A jury of 12 brave Americans unequivocally told the various America hating mobs to f*ck off, told the media to shove their propaganda and lies up their collective ass, and rendered a verdict based solely on the evidence presented, and the law.

God Bless these people.

And lastly…The three shot (two killed) by Rittenhouse in self defense were all violent felons.  Oh, the Communist News Network or MSDNC didn’t tell you that?  Shocker.

One in particular…Joseph Rosenbaum…was convicted of anally raping five 9 to 11 year old boys, among other depraved atrocities.  He was literally released from a mental hospital the day he was killed.

There’s no lower bottom-feeding vermin on God’s green earth than a child rapist.

So yes, ANOTHER win.  One might even characterize as a public service.

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