Rejection Election

Late into the evening on election night last week, I sensed what felt like the ground rumbling under my feet.  An earthquake?  Nah.  Michael Moore doing jumping jacks?

Probably not…although completely plausible.

I mean, plausible if he ACTUALLY did them, but Lord Fat Ass would never push himself away from the feed bag long enough to…shit, you know what I mean.

Anyway…It really WAS an earthquake of sorts…and one that logged in at a whopping 9.7 on the Political Richter Scale.  The ground opened up right under the dirty, stinky, putrid feet of the Democrat Party, and sucked them in like a ginormous Florida sinkhole swallowing up several Buicks.

The marquee win of the night was Republican Glenn Youngkin, elected Governor of Virginia over a retread from the Clinton years, Terry McCauliffe.  Beat him by about two points in a state that went +10 for Dementia Boy in 2020.

Oh, it gets even better.  A black immigrant woman from Jamaica and a Hispanic gentleman also won in Virginia for the GOP…for Lieutenant Gov. and Attorney General, respectively.  And nothing drives Libs battier that Republicans who are minorities.  Nothing.  Nada.

So…It all went down the proverbial shitter weeks ago for McCauliffe when he said in a debate…and I’ll paraphrase…that parents should really mind their own effing business when it comes to school curriculums.


C’mon Terry, ya can’t poke the mama and papa bears like that…especially when you’re trying to cram that bullshit racist garbage…aka Critical Race Theory…down the throats of six year olds.

BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE!!!…as they used to say on those old Ronco infomercials.

May need to Google that if you’re under 45.

Even though the incumbent Dem held on to win by a thread, the GOP dude in the New Jersey Governor race took it to the wire…IN A STATE THAT WENT +16 for Sleepy Joe.   Wow!  That’s like some angry, prepubescent Girl Scout taking Iron Mike Tyson to the mat.

And more big Republican wins in other Lib bastions like New York, Minneapolis, and Seattle.

A veritable SHELLACKING…a word famously used by Barry Hussein Obama after losing a breathtaking 63 House seats in the 2010 midterms after Obamacare was crammed down our collective throats like a gag-inducing strep test.

I had a much juicier analogy for that, but after a struggle with my inner self, I took the high road.  Maybe I’m maturing.

But I digress.

Quite predictably, the delusional Progressives…who REALLY need to take a course in self-awareness…insist they got their asses kicked because they haven’t been Progressive ENOUGH?

Good Lord.

C’mon, that wacko crew has ALWAYS had trouble reading the room.  Your random, drooling mental patient who crawls along the woodwork because he identifies as a cockroach is more politically astute than those subversive a-holes.

Anyway…I could go on a whole rap about how last week’s election results were a screaming wake up call that went light years beyond school boards and CRT, and these nitwit Dems are unequivocally screwed unless the “moderates”…quite the relative term these days…somehow assert themselves and take the party back.

Of course, that’s about as likely as President Poopy Pants and his cackling gas bag of a sidekick, Vice President Hyena, jumping on Travelocity to book a trip to the southern border.

Or go on about how REAL AMERICANS are sick to their collective stomachs over how Biden and his Posse of Progressive Pansies have practically destroyed the country in less than a year…sick of bullshit, broken record 24/7 cries of racism…sick of all of your goddamn genders…sick of your f*cking pronouns, sick of your unconstitutional mandates, sick of your arrogant condescending lies.


Yep.  I could go on and on like that.  But I won’t.

Instead, I’ll go straight to the horse’s mouth…iconic Democrat strategist James Carville.  I know, I know…this freaky looking dude looks like a beady-eyed alien from the Planet Libtard…but don’t be deceived.  He’s a moderate, he’s been there done that, and knows of what he speaks on this subject.

So, in discussing the Dems election crash and burn last week in an interview on PBS, Mr. Carville opined…”What went wrong is just stupid wokeness…I mean, this ‘defund the police’ lunacy, this take Abraham Lincoln’s name off of schools.  I mean that — people see that.”

Carville continues…”It’s just really — has a suppressive effect all across the country on Democrats.  Some of these people need to go to a “woke” detox center or something.  They’re expressing a language that people just don’t use, and there’s a backlash and a frustration at that.  Wokeness is a problem and everyone knows it.  It’s hard to talk to anyone today…who doesn’t say this.  But they don’t want to say it out loud.”

Woke Detox Center.  BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  A smart AND funny alien.

Piling on even further, famous Democratic pollster Mark Penn said, “If Democrats remain on their current course and keep coddling and catering to Progressives, they could lose as many as 50 seats and control of the House in the 2022 midterm election.  Unless it recenters itself, the risk is that the Democratic Party…will follow its greatest success with an extended period in the desert.”

Again…last week’s stunningly wonderful election results all over the country went way beyond local and state races, also reflecting an unequivocal referendum on Biden’s epically disastrous presidency and the culture war engulfing America.

These Marxist SOB’s are trying to bring Americans to their knees through their purposely destructive polices.  Um…excuse me…NOBODY brings Americans to their knees…least of all our own corrupt government.

I mean, Jimmy Carter was a nice dude who was simply incompetent.  These bastards are just plain evil.

So…as far as the American people are concerned, clearly the gloves are FINALLY off, and these Commie Pinko pieces of shit are gonna get bloodied…bad.  And ultimately, it’ll be entirely up to them whether that will manifest itself figuratively or literally.

2 thoughts on “Rejection Election

  1. Tom

    I hope the Republican party properly reads the the messages and moves on beyond the past and proposes a positive path and vision for the future. Youngkin did it right and separated himself from Trump. There are a few starting to speak up and move on. Can you? Whining about the past and calling the current President names is no way to a future. Lead or get the hell out of the way.

    By the way – your website fails me every time. It does not retain my “details” even though I always check the box: “Save my name, email and website” Get it together and stop wasting my time.


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