Monthly Archives: November 2021

The Kyle Trial

Kyle Rittenhouse.  Self Defense.  NOT GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS.  Obviously.

At least obvious to honest people with an IQ over 50 that actually watched the trial…which clearly excludes all Biden voters, and even Sleepy himself, who stunningly and inappropriately tweeted that he was “angry and concerned” about the verdict.

Can you imagine an occupant of the White House defecating on that brave jury and our justice System like that?  Absolutely nauseating.  Go back to sleep Joe, you idiotic corrupt dementia patient.

But this trial was far more than what felt like a daytime legal reality series watched obsessively by housewives and old retired dudes.  It was an absolute case study in everything that’s destroying our country…phony media narratives cloaked in the purposely divisive politics of race.

It was the media narrative itself…phonier than the fake boobs on some extremely high maintenance trophy wife…that prompted action by Rittenhouse in the first place that fateful night in Kenosha, and will change his life forever.

If you recall, BLM (& other) rioters commenced burning down Kenosha, Wisconsin in August 2020 after the Media Marxists reported that a black dude by the name of Jacob Blake…whom they inaccurately described as “unarmed”…was shot by a police officer, paralyzing him.

LET THE LIE ORGY BEGIN!!! Continue reading

Rejection Election

Late into the evening on election night last week, I sensed what felt like the ground rumbling under my feet.  An earthquake?  Nah.  Michael Moore doing jumping jacks?

Probably not…although completely plausible.

I mean, plausible if he ACTUALLY did them, but Lord Fat Ass would never push himself away from the feed bag long enough to…shit, you know what I mean.

Anyway…It really WAS an earthquake of sorts…and one that logged in at a whopping 9.7 on the Political Richter Scale.  The ground opened up right under the dirty, stinky, putrid feet of the Democrat Party, and sucked them in like a ginormous Florida sinkhole swallowing up several Buicks.

The marquee win of the night was Republican Glenn Youngkin, elected Governor of Virginia over a retread from the Clinton years, Terry McCauliffe.  Beat him by about two points in a state that went +10 for Dementia Boy in 2020.

Oh, it gets even better.  A black immigrant woman from Jamaica and a Hispanic gentleman also won in Virginia for the GOP…for Lieutenant Gov. and Attorney General, respectively.  And nothing drives Libs battier that Republicans who are minorities.  Nothing.  Nada. Continue reading