Stream of Consciousness…

…Or unconsciousness, as it were.

Jumping right in…

Ok, real quick, before I forget…Just ordered my LET’S GO BRANDON t-shirt on Amazon.  GREAT SELECTION!  Be one of the cool kids and order yours TODAY!

Now, on to business…

Actor Alec Baldwin accidentally killing cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on a movie set with a supposed “prop gun” is as tragic as it gets.  Horrible and heartbreaking.  Period.  Nothing much else to say.

Except this…if it was some “conservative” or “Trump supporting” actor that had accidentally fired this lethal shot, Baldwin would have crucified this person, and used the whole unfortunate incident to kick off some sick attack on conservatives and the 2nd Amendment.  He would have zero…and I mean ZERO…compassion for that person.

You and I both know it.  He’s a mean SOB.  So F Alec Baldwin.  Yeah.  Screw him.  Sorry, just the way I feel.


Senator Joe Manchin, representing the deep red state of West Virginia, is getting all this shit from the Marxists in Congress for not blindly signing off on an insane $3.5 trillion social welfare spending bill with massive tax hikes.  Wait a minute.  Isn’t he simply doing his job by pushing back on this destructive monstrosity?  Like, ya know, representing his very conservative constituency?

Problem is, he still seems ok with spending something like $1.5 trillion when inflation is already raging, and on top of trillions already passed.  A moderate?  Maybe compared to the Marxists like Bernie and the Squad…which BTW can be sung very nicely to Elton John’s Bennie and the Jets.  Give it a whirl.

Manchin seems like a good dude…him and his whole “aw shucks” persona…but blood red West Virginia really needs to vote his Democrat ass out once and for all and give that Senate seat to the GOP.


Starting to see a big time ramping up of protests all over the country…and lawsuits…fighting massive amounts of folks getting canned for not getting the jab.  Disastrous impact on businesses aside…to purposely exacerbate already severe shortages in cops, firefighters, EMT’s, healthcare workers and teachers is governmental malpractice at its worst, and will not only wreak havoc on society, but will unequivocally cost lives.

But if you’re a Leftist, of course, life and death are a distant second to ideology.  100% of the time.  Pure, unadulterated Scumbags.

Between vaccinations and natural immunity, we’re a hop, skip and a jump away from a 90% immune population.  Can you say HERD IMMUNITY?  Take the W, assholes.  Clearly, authoritarian orgasms trump logic here.  Shocker.  These are sick, twisted, evil bastards.

BTW…Have you SEEN these protesters?  They are a totally diverse group of folks vis-a-vis gender, ethnicity, race, and political affiliation.

WELL SMACK MY ASS AND CALL ME SALLY!!!   Dementia Joe DID unite the country!


The National Association of School Boards apologizes for the outrageous letter they sent to the DOJ characterizing angry parents attending school board meetings…pissed off at curriculums laced with Critical Race Theory…as Domestic Terrorists under the Patriot Act.

Attorney General Merrick Garland was even dragged into a congressional hearing because of his apparent enthusiasm with this pure un-American insanity and clear act of State sponsored intimidation.

Want the truth?  Well, you’ve come to the right place.

Two reasons these subversive whack jobs backed off of this.  First, this letter from the national school board organization, and subsequent thumbs up from that schmuck AG Garland, was so outrageous and offensive on its face, it resulted in tremendous public backlash and real political damage.  Abort!  Abort!

Secondly, Merrick Garland’s son-in-law co-founded a business called Panorama Education that, according to a recent NY Post article, “supports Critical Race Theory curricula…serving 23,000 schools in the nation…while Garland cracks down on opposition to the ideology.”  A screaming conflict of interest, and Garland, unsurprisingly, requested no ethics review.  Abort!  Abort!

Even MORE nauseating?  The Washington Free Beacon reported that the national school board “collaborated with the Biden White House before sending a controversial letter calling on the FBI to investigate parents as potential domestic terrorists…”

Yet another phony scam, and the elitist authoritarian dog squeeze in the White House crapping on the 1st amendment rights of concerned parents.

So make no mistake…political considerations, and obfuscating apparent ethical issues by Garland are why these miscreants backed off.  Fact is, the ugly sentiment remains intact…that these dictators still, unequivocally, consider protesting parents domestic terrorists.

Yet BLM and Antifa Marxists that destroy cities and murder citizens are “peaceful protesters.”  GOT IT!!!


A top official at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) admitted funding outrageously dangerous Frankenstein-like gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.  Predictably, that effing partisan liar “Doctor” Fauci has been vehemently denying this forever to save his own scrawny ass, given his personal involvement in green-lighting NIH funding to that lab.

And he happily gets away with it because there’s zero accountability for anything that comes out of that little troll’s mouth…or any other Lefty POS for that matter.


Another VERY organized migrant caravan of tens of thousands is on the way to our southern border while Biden and his Marxist Masters in the White House are no doubt celebrating how the open border plan is being executed to perfection, and high-fiving at all the new future Democrat voters.

Speaking of open borders…the Biden Administration, in stopping wall construction on Day 1, is pissing away an estimated $120 million of material, literally piled up and wasting away in the Texas heat, not to mention up to $5 million paid to the contractors DAILY to NOT build the wall.

This, on the heels of abandoning $85 billion of state-of-the-art military equipment in Afghanistan…breathtakingly left in the hands of terrorists.

I tell ya, these bastards couldn’t run a goddamn lemonade stand.  No difference between tax money and Monopoly money to these bottom-feeders.

Pet Peeve Alert…I still can’t fathom these jerk-off Leftists that embarrassingly say walls don’t work, they’re racist, immoral, and a 15th century solution.  My God.

It’s like saying umbrellas and condoms don’t work.  Seriously, I would recommend electroshock therapy for these folks, with a potential lobotomy chaser.

BTW…The Merriam-Webster definition of “WALL,” is, in part, “a high structure…forming a long rampart…CHIEFLY FOR DEFENSE.”

In other words…THEY.  ARE.  BARRIERS…he typed  V  E  R  Y    S  L  O  W  L  Y for the mentally challenged.

People that cling to this pathetic “Walls Don’t Work” narrative are liars and morons.  Bad combo.  Don’t be that person.

The real kick in the nuts punchline?  President Poopy Pants is having a big, beautiful, nearly half-million dollar taxpayer funded WALL built around his beachfront house in Delaware.


Really, though, have some compassion.  It’s a completely responsible move to prevent dementia patients from wandering off the property in the middle of the night…and in this case…straight into the Atlantic Ocean.


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