Guilty pleasures.  Is there anything better?  Wondering where the hell I’m going with this?

Not to worry, nothing perverted and/or illegal.  But we could certainly explore that down the road.  As always, THOSE overarching themes being “victimless crime” and “consenting adults.”  For future reference.

But I digress.

Nope.  Nothing like that. Just a good old-fashioned, rip-roaring Trump rally!


And I’m drawn to them like Michael Moore to a half-price buffet.

I’ll paint the picture…

Last Saturday night.  Iowa.  Popcorn.  Beer.  Beer.  Another beer.  And The Donald…UNPLUGGED!  Ok, he’s ALWAYS unplugged.  It was the happiest, most entertaining four years of my life…politically speaking, at least.

Oh yeah, sure, there was some other tangential, but noteworthy stuff, like the best economy/jobs in many decades, the most secure border ever, tamed geopolitical foes, energy independence and cheap gas, Abraham accords, Operation Warp Speed, yada, yada…

And Melania and Ivanka.  Especially Ivanka.

But c’mon, the sheer entertainment of it.  Holy cow.  Including, by the way, the Trump Derangement spaz outs (see comment section).  THE BEST, JERRY…THE BEST!”…as semi-obscure Seinfeld character and hack comedian Kenny Banya used to shriek.

Three recent, kind of frivolous stories I love that I must opine on…definitely some more important, outrageous things going on…like these Marxist bastards in the White House wanting to investigate parents yelling at school boards as domestic terrorists, and wanting access to the checking accounts of virtually every American.  WTF??

I’ll have plenty to say about that Commie crapola post haste.

So, did you see when some NASCAR dude by the name of Brandon Brown won a race at Talladega Superspeedway?  After the race, some chick NBC Sports reporter was interviewing young Brandon when…as with virtually every sporting event in the country right now…a spontaneous chant of “F**K JOE BIDEN” broke out.

It’s hilarious, and almost at epidemic levels.  In fact, I often jump up from the dinner table with that chant…like it’s involuntary.  

Anyway, in the spirit of “damage control,” this NBC reporter told Brandon that the crowd was chanting, “Let’s Go Brandon!”  OK…”A” for effort, right?

This is so insane and hilarious, the internet went nuts of course.  Memes galore, rap songs, T-shirts…a whole cottage industry.  Only in America.  The chant of “Let’s Go Brandon” is now simply code for “F**K Joe Biden.”  For the faint of heart, I guess.

Personally, I’m into authenticity.  So, yes…for destroying the country in nine months…F**K Joe Biden, his whole America-hating administration, and the effing horses they rode in on.

And quite frankly, his brain-dead voters.

Oh yeah, almost forgot.  Biden’s masters, Bernie and AOC.  F**K them too.

OK, might be getting a smidge obscure here, but it’ll be worth it.

Ever hear of a woman by the name of Saule Omarova?  Well, of course you haven’t.

She is the Current Occupant of the White House’s nominee to lead the Office of the Controller of the Currency (OCC).  That would make her the top banking regulator.

Eyes glazing over.  Just stick with me for another minute.

She has praised Soviet Communism.  She proposed that the Federal Reserve take over consumer bank deposits, effectively ending banking as we know it.

She was born in the Soviet Union and attended Moscow State University, where she received the Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship.  Yeah.  Lenin.  Not a typo.

She is a living, breathing, honest-to-goodness Communist nominated to be our top banking regulator.  By Joe Biden.

Superficially, this looks completely insane, but on the contrary, it’s all very much by design.  With a nearly equally divided Congress and absolutely zero “mandate” or ability to remake the country via radical, Socialist-style legislation, they will go to “Plan B” and f*ck up the country via the regulatory agencies.

If YOU still think that every action Joe Biden takes…assuming he is even periodically coherent…isn’t 100% at the behest of the cabal of Commie Pinko nutbags running the Dumbocrat Party…led by King Bernie and Queen AOC…then you either need some ADD meds or electroshock therapy because you’re ability to focus on what’s happening right in front of your nose sucks.

And lastly, our do-nothing, cackling hyena of a VP, Comma-La Harris, has been dispatched yet again to some frivolous nonsensical photo-op…like her previous pre-game coin flip, or a visit to a cupcake store…this time, making some bizarre video with 5 kids about the “wonders of space exploration.”

One would think our “Border Czar” would have her hands too full these days than to participate in such nonsensical bullshit.


Her exaggerated gestures and facial expressions were as hilarious as they were embarrassing.  The real kicker?  The five kids in the video…representing quite the diversity smorgasbord…white, black, Asian, Indian, etc.…were actually child actors, but passed off as “real kids.”

Oh c’mon, we’ve all seen it.  Comma-La has virtually zero ability to communicate or relate to other humans without a complete disaster ensuing.  Hence the scripted setting.  How pathetic.

She’s a joke.  Biden’s a joke.  But sadly…and obviously…the joke’s on us.

The kids appeared to be both boys and girls, but gender ID information was not readily available.  Not to worry.  I have personally dispatched The Drunken Republican Investigative Team to get to the bottom of this genitalia who-dun-it.

The best part of this nonsense?  The name of the CANADIAN production company that produced the video is “Sinking Ship Entertainment.”  No.  Really.

And that, my friends, is the only part of this pathetic embarrassment that actually computes.

1 thought on “LET’S GO BRANDON!!!

  1. Tom

    Another Crazy Statement by Trump and some of his cult followers will believe this – Do You?:

    “If we don’t solve the Presidential Election Fraud of 2020 (which we have thoroughly and conclusively documented), Republicans will not be voting in ‘22 or ‘24. It is the single most important thing for Republicans to do.”

    Which part do you believe:
    a) Presidential Election Fraud
    b) Not Voting will solve the problem

    I suggest REAL Republicans stand up and find someone else asap and beat down this craziness. Trump is a loser and Biden is killing us. Let’s find someone with integrity and leadership. Following crazy losers is ___(Fill in the blank). Wake up and move on or suffer the consequences (again).


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