Monthly Archives: October 2021

Stream of Consciousness…

…Or unconsciousness, as it were.

Jumping right in…

Ok, real quick, before I forget…Just ordered my LET’S GO BRANDON t-shirt on Amazon.  GREAT SELECTION!  Be one of the cool kids and order yours TODAY!

Now, on to business…

Actor Alec Baldwin accidentally killing cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on a movie set with a supposed “prop gun” is as tragic as it gets.  Horrible and heartbreaking.  Period.  Nothing much else to say.

Except this…if it was some “conservative” or “Trump supporting” actor that had accidentally fired this lethal shot, Baldwin would have crucified this person, and used the whole unfortunate incident to kick off some sick attack on conservatives and the 2nd Amendment.  He would have zero…and I mean ZERO…compassion for that person.

You and I both know it.  He’s a mean SOB.  So F Alec Baldwin.  Yeah.  Screw him.  Sorry, just the way I feel. Continue reading


Guilty pleasures.  Is there anything better?  Wondering where the hell I’m going with this?

Not to worry, nothing perverted and/or illegal.  But we could certainly explore that down the road.  As always, THOSE overarching themes being “victimless crime” and “consenting adults.”  For future reference.

But I digress.

Nope.  Nothing like that. Just a good old-fashioned, rip-roaring Trump rally!


And I’m drawn to them like Michael Moore to a half-price buffet.

I’ll paint the picture…

Last Saturday night.  Iowa.  Popcorn.  Beer.  Beer.  Another beer.  And The Donald…UNPLUGGED!  Ok, he’s ALWAYS unplugged.  It was the happiest, most entertaining four years of my life…politically speaking, at least. Continue reading