Horse’s Ass

Um…”President” Horse’s Ass, to be exact.

The Current Occupant of the White House should go on America’s Got Talent as a magician because everything he touches miraculously turns to shit.


I’m literally getting whiplash, spinning my head around in all different directions looking at the endless disasters created…either purposely or through sheer incompetence…by Crappy Joe.

Like a 5-year-old on his first trip to Toys-R-Us looking at all the play things, or a 19-year-old at his first strip club, looking at all the…uh…play things.


And as one would expect, Biden’s approval rating, for what it’s worth, has been dropping faster than Nancy Pelosi’s IQ.  Most polls show him pretty consistently in the low 40% range.

But inquiring minds want to know…


42 people, I could buy.  But 42%??  My God.

Can’t come CLOSE to wrapping my coconut around THAT one.

Shit, I’m wandering a bit…c’mon, deep breath…focus…focus…

OK.  The border.

The ongoing, purposely created border catastrophe took a big backseat to the incompetency induced Afghanistan debacle.  Then came the invasion of 30,000 Haitian migrants living in squalor under that bridge in Del Rio, TX.

Ignore Afghanistan. Swinging back to the border again like a saloon door in one of those old westerns.  All of this violent back and forth is making me nauseous.  I reckon my daily 5pm single malt scotch will come with a Dramamine chaser.

The lies came rolling in like an early morning fog over a picturesque lake.

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas…who makes Pinocchio look like he has a little button nose…repeated lie after lie after lie.

The border is closed.  The thousands of bridge-dwelling Haitians will be deported back to Haiti.

Hmmm…Helen Keller on her worst day could see the wide open border.  Mayorkas himself finally admitted about 90% of these Haitian migrants were released into the interior of the country.

And you can bet your sweet ass not a single one was bused to Beverly Hills or Martha’s Vineyard.

But here’s the lie that REALLY puckers my sphincter.

You’ve surely heard the horse shit (pun intended) about the horse-mounted border patrol confronted with a surge of Haitian migrants on the border.

Video came out of that incident where Democrats and their faux media concubines screamed that THEY WERE WHIPPING THEM!!!  THIS CONJURS UP IMAGES OF SLAVERY!!!

Now, what is most outrageous about this isn’t simply that it’s a lie that would merely get lost in the millions of other lies these scum-sucking Marxist bastards tell on a daily basis.

Nor was it the video itself that debunked this psychotic claim….OR the immediate…and multiple…explanations by the Border Patrol, like this one from a Townhall article…

Agents use their reins for a lot of reasons.  Primarily it’s used to steer the horse but agents will also spin them sometimes to deter people from getting too close to the horse.  If they get too close, the horse can step on them, breaking bones or causing other injuries.  Agents also need to maintain control of their reins so they don’t lose control of the horse, which can cause injuries to immigrants, the agents, and the horses.”

Nobody was whipped because, well…THERE WERE NO F*CKING WHIPS!!!!!!!!

So after ALL that…and instead of just backing off something the entire galaxy knew was false…here’s what Biden and his cackling dumb ass sidekick said…


Dementia Boy:  To see people treated like they did…people being strapped – it’s outrageous…there will be consequences.  I promise you those people will pay.”

Cackling Biyatch:  Human beings should not be treated that way, and as we all know, it also evokes images of some of the worst moments of our history where that kind of behavior has been used against the indigenous people of our country, has been used against African Americans during times of slavery.”

Not delusion…knowing lies.  Yet Mayorkas, Peppermint Patty, Democrap lawmakers, and most of their water-carrying media whores CONTINUE to spew this bullshit.

Why?  Because they can.  Well…I guess we’ll see about that in 2022 and 2024.  The Donald is licking his chops.  

But the fact that Biden and Vice President Hyena themselves are embarrassingly and disgustingly doubling down on this horrid lie is most breathtaking.

The Border Patrol is so livid they can’t see straight.

The difference with the other million Lefty lies…and what makes this even more incredible…is that this was immediately debunked!  There was a video.  There were immediate explanations and clarification.

There weren’t phantom “unnamed sources” or “classified information” to hide behind.

Even the friggin’ photographer who took photos said the pictures were being misconstrued, adding that he didn’t see any agents whip migrants.

Because it didn’t happen.

Here’s an asinine talking point that all of these groupthink scumbags are blathering…

Well, ya know, these migrant caravans have always happened….like in 2019 under Trump…so this is nothing new.


Trump…who based his ENTIRE presidency on stopping illegal immigration…is confronted with an “organic” caravan, brilliantly stops it in its tracks through various agreements with Mexico and the northern triangle countries in Central America…and, of course, THE WALL!!!

Conversely, “President” Poopy Drawers rolls out the red carpet for every migrant wannabe on the planet during his basement campaign…then gleefully rescinds EVERY SINGLE one of Trump’s successful border security measures five nanoseconds after the “inauguration.”

Invite them and they will come.  Field of Bad Dreams…starring Joe Biden.  

Anyway…Nice try on the narrative, assholes.

All by design, of course.  Future Dem voters.  Worst kept secret in the country.

Hot off the presses…tens of thousands more on the way…just entering Mexico’s southern border with Guatemala as we speak.

And the White House Welcome Wagon…whose greeting packet includes voter registration forms in 17 different languages…couldn’t be happier.

2 thoughts on “Horse’s Ass

  1. Stephanie Engels

    Remember all those books written about the Obama Presidency by those on the inside? All the ones that brought to light what a malignant narcissist he was; an idiot, a nut job, a toddler, and, more importantly, a threat the democracy and the safety of the USA? Yeah. Neither do I.

  2. Tom

    Trump set the bar pretty low for Presidential approval ratings. Biden’s current 42% is about Trump’s 4-year average approval rating of 41% (See Gallup Poll). We are just in a run a poor Presidents. One is ethically challenged and one is inept. I believe that after these 2 low points, someone with integrity and vision will rise to the occasion. But Who?


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