Biden’s “Moving On” Fantasy

So you say Joe Biden has done nothing to unite the country??? 


Saw a video the other day as Mets and Yankee fans, upon their exit from Citi Field after a game in their Subway Series last weekend, broke out into an impromptu chant of…


As a long suffering Mets fan, I can tell you unequivocally that uniting Met and Yankee fans is like Donald Trump and Maxine Waters burying the hatchet and recreating the Pamela Anderson/Tommy Lee sex tape.


But yes…Joe Biden did the impossible, simply by…


KUDOS, JOEY!  Extra dose of Metamucil for YOU, Big Guy!!!

Anyway…despite the Afghanistan coverage by the mainstream media arm of the DumbAsCrap party drying up like a tiny little puddle in the scorching summer sun, it will be to no avail.

The Afghanistan exit f*ck up will forever adhere to Biden’s heel like a sticky, putrid piece of toilet paper picked up at a seedy rest stop on the Jersey Turnpike.

So…After endlessly blathering for months about how the Biden Administration cannot mandate Covid vaccines…they attempt to do just that.

This, of course, is a classic tail wagging the dog move, knowing such a hated, authoritarian mandate will enrage freedom loving folks, and elicit thousands of lawsuits from Governors, businesses, and individuals.

And most importantly, serve as the big shiny object to redirect the news cycle AWAY from Afghanistan (and the border catastrophe for that matter)…and the Commie Pinko media dough boys are giddy to oblige.

Dough girls, too.  How about just dough people?  Ya know…just trying to keep the Gender Gestapo off my ass.

But alas, this isn’t 1980…No Siree Bob…and we’re no longer slaves to what The New Dork Times and Tom Brokaw felt like telling us on a daily basis.

So, as the current occupant of the White House is jumping…no, let’s more accurately characterize as crawling…through hoops to “move on” past the daily catastrophic Afghanistan news…it’s a mere pipe dream.

On the contrary, and as Karen Carpenter crooned…”We’ve Only Just Begun.”

This, evidenced by the conga line of disasters coming out of that shit hole every single day…

Several planes sitting on the tarmac with people trying to flee…organized by several brave, patriotic outside groups comprised of vets and others helpful to the cause…but not cleared to leave BECAUSE OUR OWN STATE DEPARTMENT CAN’T VET THE FOLKS ON THE PLANE?!?!


Even worse, now we know about 90% of the Afghans these clueless schmucks transported out weren’t even the interpreters and other partners who qualified!!!

So, don’t talk to us about “vetting,” you incompetent jerk-offs.

Now, those deserving Afghan partners and their families are getting slaughtered daily…and Afghan women and girls facing lives as sex slaves as we speak…not that the Democrats, Media, Hollywood, Women’s advocacy groups, or any other Progressive A-Holes have a goddamn word to say about it.


Not outraged enough?  Let’s keep going…

How about the top echelon of the new, so-called Taliban “government”…THAT BIDEN FULLY ENABLED…being chock-full of sub-human, knuckle-dragging terrorists…Ex-Gitmo detainees…most on our terror watch list.

Now, we…and much of the world…are effectively legitimizing these murderous scumbags??

And this group includes five animals we gave up in the swap several years ago for that traitor piece of shit Bo Bergdahl.

That, courtesy of Barry Hussein O-Bum-A, who breathtakingly celebrated that little nauseating, subversive transaction.

Lastly…can we PLEASE dispense of this unequivocal bullshit notion of “Over-The-Horizon” capabilities?

Every single military expert on the planet…at least ones not in Joe Biden’s back pocket like that woke loser, General Milley, who embarrassingly spends his days trying to understand WHITE RAGE…will tell you that, absent a robust intelligence apparatus on the ground…EYES AND EARS…this is as much a complete and utter fantasy as the suggestion that Dementia Joe’s election was on the up and up.

Arkansas Senator and ex-military officer Tom Cotton rightfully and cleverly called it “over the rainbow.”  And in keeping with Wizard of Oz references…who EXACTLY is the person(s) behind the curtain running the shit show in the White House, anyway?

Because it ain’t “President” Saggy Balls…THAT I can tell you…channeling my inner Trump.

To effortlessly prove the point, it’s been a truly inauspicious start to this faux “over-the-horizon” narrative, as we drone blasted some “target” that Biden bragged about…except instead of some ISIS-K scumbag as they claimed, they apparently hit an aid worker, Zemari Ahmadi, killing him…AND NINE MEMBERS OF HIS FAMILY, INCLUDING SEVEN CHILDREN.


Biden may as well have pulled the trigger himself.  Truly sickening.  If the Piece-of-Shit-Occupant-Of-The-White-House had one molecule of integrity, he would resign immediately…along with his incompetent flunkie Obama commie retreads.

And lest anyone dismiss this as emanating from some right wing news source…it was reported by the Biden Loving Fellatio Posse at the NY Times AND WaPost.

So yeah…Over The Horizon…every bit as fictional as the Easter Bunny, Loch Ness Monster, or intelligent Biden voters.

The Wall Street Journal editorial board also sees this pathetic, futile attempt to “move on” in a recent editorial…”The Biden administration wants nothing more than to wash its hands of the debacle in Afghanistan, and it has a political incentive to play down or obfuscate the number of trapped Afghans eligible to come to America.  But the world shouldn’t forget that thousands of would-be Americans – men, women, and children –  face arrest, torture, or death because of the White House rush to the Afghan exits.”

Michael Goodwin of the New York Post adds a similar sentiment…”With his public approval falling rapidly, Biden just wants to get past Afghanistan, and his media Praetorian Guards are ready to help him change the subject.

(Quick editors note:  The reason Goodwin writes for a major publication and I don’t is that he calls Biden’s ass-kissing media the “Praetorian Guard,” and I call them the “Fellatio Posse.”  ‘Nuff said.)

As far as I’m concerned, as well as most National Security experts, Joe Biden has ensured that the world is more dangerous than it was on September 10, 2001.

Our enemies no longer fear us;  our allies no longer trust us;  Americans are embarrassed for us.

I heard someone say this war took three months to win and 20 years to lose.  Interesting way to put it.

So, as we just passed the 20th anniversary of 9/11, and we never forgot that tragic day, we will similarly never forget this self-inflicted, catastrophic bookend to that life-altering event.

4 thoughts on “Biden’s “Moving On” Fantasy

  1. Tom

    Biden is going to be the best thing that’s happened for the Republicans in 4 years. Let’s hope that Biden doesn’t screw things up too bad and let’s hope Republicans can learn from the past and put forward a sensible leader. If we repeat the past mistake, then we are doomed.

    1. Taco Pepper

      Most Republicans believe the fantasy that Trump won in 2020, so as far as doing anything sensible, don’t get your hopes up.

  2. Taco Pepper

    As usual, you completely ignore the fact that the previous administration left the current administration with only 3,500 soldiers to defend our interests and had already pre-announced a departure date of May 2021 after aspiring to cuddle with the Taliban at Camp David.

    Intelligent people like me can see the failures of all four Presidents in Afghanistan and openly acknowledge them, independent of political affiliation.

    Ignorant and politically biased hacks who think Trump had nothing to do with this disaster are factually incorrect and just pathetic homers who are indoctrinated into the cult of their political obsession.

    Keep on drinking that Kool-Aid and living in your fantasy world and worshiping your dear leader.

    Riddle me this? If all of that precious military hardware was so important, why didn’t we seize custody of it and bring it home before our force size was reduced to nearly nothing and actually told the Taliban we were leaving, and exactly when.

    Have fun at your protest on Saturday.


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