
Botched!  Incompetence!  Disgrace!  Embarrassment!  Negligence!

What does it spell?!   BIDEN!!!

Just a few words off the top of my noggin to characterize Bumbling Biden’s inexplicable, unforgivable, humiliating, epically botched exit from Afghanistan.

The wheels were barely up on the last C-17 sailing out of Kabul into the wild blue yonder when predictable reports surfaced of the Taliban going door-to-door slaughtering Afghans and their families who assisted the U.S. over the past couple decades.

Joe Biden, who I refuse to call anything but “occupant of the White House,” has solidified himself as, by far, the worst “occupant of the White House,” at least in modern history.

To be fair, that pretty much happened before this latest Afghanistan catastrophe.  (See the southern border).

Brazen Lie after brazen lie after brazen lie.

We won’t leave Americans or Afghan allies behind.
We will move the exit date to ensure this.
The Taliban will not take over the country.
We will not leave equipment behind.
No one will be killed.

I could go on ad nauseam.

Despite the pathetic, broken record spin, nobody gives a flying f*ck at this point whether the policy decision itself, on which reasonable people can disagree…a total exit or retaining the bang-for-the-buck of leaving a small 2,500 troop presence there to keep a lid on things….was the way to go.

The mootest of moot points.  Yet one that Biden clings to because, well, it’s the only game in town for him and his incompetent Obama retread flunkies.

It’s like imploding an old football stadium to make way for a new one, but inadvertently taking out the whole block, killing hundreds.  Then saying…WELL, EVERYONE WANTED THE STADIUM DOWN, DIDN’T THEY?!?!

Clearly, deserting hundreds of Americans…likely a much higher number…as well as tens of thousands of Afghan allies who were promised a safe exit for risking their lives to support us for two decades, will go down as one of, if not THE most humiliating military and foreign policy defeats/failures/f*ckups in the history of the country.

Way to go Joe, you effing incompetent decomposing corpse.  Unconscionable.  And it was unequivocally, 100%, totally avoidable…and a million percent on Biden.

I’ve written plenty about “optics”…quite often the enemy of good policy.  A recent Wall Street Journal editorial explains…

Aug 31 was the arbitrary deadline Mr. Biden set when he thought he would be able to boast on the 20th anniversary of 9/11 that he had ended a “forever war.”  He refused to extend the date despite pleas from NATO allies [and his own military and intelligence community], and knowing the date was too soon to evacuate the deserving.”

A f*cking 9/11 photo op and victory lap.  Nothing more.  Nothing less.  At least with regard to the timing.

A deafening, epic backfire.  

And the equipment.  My God, the equipment.  We just equipped the Taliban terrorists with about $85 billion worth of the best state of the art military equipment on the planet.  They’re already running around in our fatigues…with guns, night vision goggles, armored vehicles, Blackhawk helicopters, yada, yada.

I mean…have you SEEN these images??  Some of the most nauseating photos one can imagine…notwithstanding naked pictures of Joy Behar.

And don’t buy the BS they’re shoveling…well, ya know, we disabled a bunch of equipment on the way out, blah, blah.

A nit…not to mention an abomination.

The bulk of the U.S. equipment that was previously in the hands of the disbanded Afghan army is NOW in the hands of these murderous, camel-humping bastards.

These weapons will be used against Americans and their allies.  They’ll be sold to other terrorists, and reverse engineered by China and Russia.

The cherry on top to this big steamy pile of shit was Biden’s embarrassingly pathetic speech, delivered in a bizarrely angry and defiant tone until he started to seemingly doze off at the end…chock full of lies and mischaracterizations…after which Dementia Boy AGAIN gives us all the big middle finger, taking no questions.

And the gall, hubris, and breathtaking cluelessness to call this abortion of an operation an “extraordinary success.”

As another Wall Street Journal editorial so aptly described…”President Biden’s defiant, accusatory defense on Tuesday of his Afghanistan withdrawal and it’s execution was so dishonest, and so lacking in self-reflection or accountability, that it was unworthy of the sacrifices Americans have made in that conflict.”

Nice swift kick in Biden’s shriveled naughty bits from the gold standard of editorialists.

So, the White House occupant says he takes responsibility, but then takes precisely none…once again, going on to ridiculously blame Trump and, quite stunningly, the stranded Americans themselves, who WERE WARNED!!! to get out long ago.

I’m shocked he didn’t blame his 3rd grade teacher with the gimpy leg, Miss Lipshitz.

The New York Post editorial board adds this…”Clearly angry that anyone dare criticize him, Biden showed no remorse, admitted no real responsibility.  Instead, he resorted to the same tired talking points and weird non sequiturs he’s trotted out for two weeks…what a slap in the face to the 13 service members and hundreds of civilians who died last week when the Taliban let a suicide bomber through their checkpoints outside the Kabul airport.”

In the tsunami of historic disgraces, the pinnacle just might be Biden constantly checking his watch as the flag-draped coffins of 13 of our brave servicemen and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice were met by Biden and the families at Dover AFB.

And reports from families there of curt, dismissive responses from Biden, and even rolling of the eyes.  Jesus.  Worthless piece of shit doesn’t begin to describe this senile scumbag.

Understandably, the families were beyond pissed…some wouldn’t talk to Biden, some ripped him to his face.  One Gold Star mom told him to burn in Hell.  She can take THAT to the bank.

A f*cking epic display of disrespect from a U.S. “occupant of the White House” I hope I never see again.

Especially one with blood on his hands.

Of course, Biden should be impeached eighteen times over between this and the self-inflicted border disaster for dereliction of duty, among a myriad of other things.

But then we’d be stuck with Commie La Harris, who is arguably more incompetent than Joe, and only in her position by virtue of her skin color and genitalia.  And years ago, banging Willie Brown, the ex-Mayor of SF, who in turn helped kickoff her political career.

Classic quid pro quo.

Just want to be accurate, folks.  And as always, we here at The Drunken Republican are slaves to accuracy.

Anyway…a quintessential lose/lose proposition.

A WSJ editorial by Gerard Baker, their Editor-at-Large, encapsulates this whole clusterf*ck quite concisely…”A month shy of two decades [after going into Afghanistan to oust from power the people who enabled 9/11], the U.S. pleaded with that same power not to harm its soldiers, its citizens and their allies as it scrambled to complete a chaotic and humiliating retreat that left that former enemy…immeasurably stronger.”

I reckon Biden was checking his watch at Dover to witness the minutes literally tick away on his presidency after this monumentally botched pull out.

At this point, I suspect most Americans wish Biden’s dad would have pulled out.

2 thoughts on “Commander-In-Chump

  1. Taco Pepper

    Comment #1. I agree with much of your post, Biden’s leadership during this exit has not been good. Just want to clarify that upfront.

    Comment #2. Can you email me the link of your post complaining about the 63 KIA from 2017-2020 while the previous administration complained incessantly about “endless wars” but did nothing meaningful to actually take the very hard steps necessary to actually end this ridiculous military action other than drawing the the troops down to a fractional number, leaving them there along with all of this equipment, and PRE-ANNOUNCING a departure date of May, 2021.

    You are a baseball fan, so let’s put this in non-partisan baseball analogy. Joe came in to pitch the 9th innings and gave up 8 runs… he did not do his job well.

    That said, Bush gave up 185 runs by starting this disaster, and Obama and Trump also failed miserably extending this nightmare for 12 years and passing the problem along to the next guy.

    As bad as this ending is, thankfully it’s finally over and we are out of that miserable place forever.

    Four Presidents… Four Failures.

  2. Taco Pepper

    Said another way, the 13 lives we lost recently and tragically never would have been lost if Bush, Obama and Trump had done their jobs.


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