Daily Archives: September 1, 2021


Botched!  Incompetence!  Disgrace!  Embarrassment!  Negligence!

What does it spell?!   BIDEN!!!

Just a few words off the top of my noggin to characterize Bumbling Biden’s inexplicable, unforgivable, humiliating, epically botched exit from Afghanistan.

The wheels were barely up on the last C-17 sailing out of Kabul into the wild blue yonder when predictable reports surfaced of the Taliban going door-to-door slaughtering Afghans and their families who assisted the U.S. over the past couple decades.

Joe Biden, who I refuse to call anything but “occupant of the White House,” has solidified himself as, by far, the worst “occupant of the White House,” at least in modern history.

To be fair, that pretty much happened before this latest Afghanistan catastrophe.  (See the southern border). Continue reading