Daily Archives: July 29, 2021

Biden’s Reagan Moment


My trusty little Spanish/English dictionary says that means FREEDOM!

These were the cries of desperate, but fearless, Cubans the past few weeks, as thousands bravely marched in unprecedented protests in dozens of cities across the island…knowing full well that many would be arrested, beaten, imprisoned…even killed.

Living in squalor and terror for 62 years under the iron fist of a brutal, murderous regime.  Exposing the perennial lie that the subversive Marxists in our own country are trying to peddle…that equity, not equality…will lead you to the promised land.

In one sense, they’re right.  The result of EVERY Marxist totalitarian regime that EVER existed is in fact “equity.”  Equal misery, oppression, and despair for all.

Powerful Cuban-Americans such as Florida Republican Congresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar, pleaded from the floor of the House of Representatives for the Biden Administration to stand with the Cuban people by doing one simple thing…restore internet and cell phone access to the people of Cuba that the Communist regime blocked. Continue reading