The Digital Book Burning Dems

Do they have no shame?  Says the guy with no shame.

But hey, I’m not running the country.  I have no power…except occasionally over the remote.

It’s no great revelation that the Biden Administration and those in power on the Left have a perverse penchant for blatant censorship of political views, news, and information at odds with their stupid groupthink Marxist orthodoxy and divisive Woketopian bullshit.

But they usually deny this nauseating reality.  Not anymore!

Yep, last week the White House actually had a big dog and pony in their daily briefing informing us all that they were going to slip even further into the sack with Big Tech, specifically Facebook, to monitor what THEY consider “problematic posts” that THEY DEEM as “misinformation” vis-a-vis Covid, vaccines, etc.


Here’s just a flavor of what Peppermint Patty ACTUALLY said OUT LOUD from behind the White House Press Room lectern…”We’ve increased disinformation research and tracking in the Surgeon General’s office.  WE’RE FLAGGING PROBLEMATIC POSTS for Facebook that spread disinformation.”

Problematic according to who, pray tell?  So if I have a legitimate, but different view than the “State approved message,” that’s “problematic” and subject to government dictated “censorship?”

You mean, like fully censoring the theory that the coronavirus MAY have escaped from a lab…oh wait, that actually became the likely truth…and has now even been acknowledged as such by the Bumbling Biden Brigade?

What f*cking country is this?  Can forced sterilization of Conservatives be far behind?

Hey…even if I have a goddamn view deemed “illegitimate” by the Gov’t, guess what?  It’s my 1st Amendment constitutional right to have and express that view in the public square.

I can say the earth is flat and Joy Behar is the hottest broad on the planet…the latter of which just made me throw up in my mouth…but it’s protected speech.

Some people are calling this a slippery slop.  Quite the understatement.  That’s like saying The Donald is on the fence whether the election was stolen or not.

Slippery slope, my wrinkly ass.  This is a ninety-degree sheet of rock hard ice.

The “State” in cahoots with private industry to censor the populous?  The thought police?

Call it what you will…Fascism.  Marxism.  And you can add the faux media pukes to this cabal, who remain predictably simpatico with this Commie Crapola.

Lest we forget Big Tech censoring the NY Post revelations on the Biden Crime Family…yes, including “The Big Guy”…a couple weeks before the election.

A recent column by the NY Post’s Michael Goodwin indicated that post-election, “a poll found that most voters were not aware of the [Hunter Biden] stories, and some 8 percent said they would have voted differently had they known the facts.”

So…no censorship, no President Poopy Pants?  Quite possibly.

And that’s the end game here, isn’t it?  To mold public opinion and swing elections.  And it’s working.  And they know it.

What Subversive Scumbags.

But here’s how stupid these assholes are.

This stunning admission of the government shitting on your first amendment rights by effectively deputizing others (Facebook/Big Tech) to do what they can’t, is f*cking Christmas in July for The Big Bad Orange Man vis-a-vis his lawsuit against Big Tech, alleging they are being used to illegally and unconstitutionally impose government censorship.

No matter how many thousands of times these authoritarian whack-jobs blather the words “private companies,” the fact is that…IF YOU ARE ACTING AS AN ARM OF THE GOVERNMENT, YOU ARE TREATED LIKE THE GOVERNMENT.

Make no mistake – the endless mocking and hyperventilating conniptions by Leftists and the media tells you they’re scared shitless over this.

They know this is easier to prove than Michael Moore’s penchant for saturated fat and reinforced chairs.

OK, that was a bit overstated.  No, not Michael Moore’s rotundness…the challenge of prevailing in this lawsuit.  This is groundbreaking shit, after all.  And 1st amendment violation cases are tough nuts to crack in court, historically speaking.

As The Donald wrote in a Wall Street Journal op-ed a couple weeks ago titled, quite simply, “Why I’m Suing Big Tech”…which triggered the wussy Trump-haters like the grievous cultural appropriation of wearing a sombrero and fake Frito Bandito mustache to Taco Tuesday at your local Mexican joint…

The internet is the new public square…Big Tech platforms have become increasingly brazen and shameless…in banning users, deplatforming organizations, and aggressively blocking the free flow of information on which our democracy depends.”

“No longer are Big Tech giants simply removing specific threats of violence.  They are manipulating and controlling the political debate itself…Meanwhile, Chinese propogandists and the Iranian Dictator spew threats and hateful lies on these platforms with impunity.”




Everyone with a half a brain and a speck of intellectual honesty (I’ve yet to meet a Trump-hater who possesses the latter) sees this Fascist digital book burning clear as day.

Yes, it will be an uphill slog for Trump to prevail in court given the plethora of legal technicalities and complexities.  But I would submit it really doesn’t make a difference.

The way I see it, Trump has already won in the court of public opinion.  And in 2022 and 2024, that’s all that will really matter.

3 thoughts on “The Digital Book Burning Dems

  1. Tom

    You’re showing more signs of senility than sleepy Joe. Offering a different approach from Trump does not lack intellectual honesty. I don’t believe that Deamonizing all non-Trumpers and acting like the victim is the best way to make Republicans great again. It’s getting boring. Let’s get the right candidates to represent the majority, which will be a centrist approach, with integrity and vision.

    1. The Drunken Republican Post author

      Ok, I rarely reply to comments, but need to clarify…and make a much needed editorial comment.

      First, the “intellectual dishonesty” of Trump-haters specifically refers to the refusal of most to acknowledge Trump’s long list of policy successes. Not gonna go thru them again, but they speak for themselves. It had zero to do with “different approaches”…whatever that means. So yes, I am absolutely demonizing Trump-haters who refuse to acknowledge those aforementioned policy successes. Not sure how that makes me a victim, just calling people out.

      Secondly…this post was about censorship by social media companies at the behest of the Gov’t, and the 1st amendment. But you picked a few words that had zero to do with the post, just a random observation, upon which to comment.

      This tired and annoying practice seems to be common among some commenters. Nothing that ever refutes what I write, or really anything substantive related to the subject of the post. Just that Trump and his supporters are horrible. Got it. Duly noted.

      Weak, lazy, and boring (your word). I’d love to hear your thoughts on the actual subject of the post.

  2. Taco Pepper

    Maybe if you hadn’t thrown your weight behind such a pitiful person we wouldn’t have to keep reminding you how much he sucks.

    Looking forward to watching him lose this lawsuit, just more losing for a one-term loser.



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