Daily Archives: July 20, 2021

The Digital Book Burning Dems

Do they have no shame?  Says the guy with no shame.

But hey, I’m not running the country.  I have no power…except occasionally over the remote.

It’s no great revelation that the Biden Administration and those in power on the Left have a perverse penchant for blatant censorship of political views, news, and information at odds with their stupid groupthink Marxist orthodoxy and divisive Woketopian bullshit.

But they usually deny this nauseating reality.  Not anymore!

Yep, last week the White House actually had a big dog and pony in their daily briefing informing us all that they were going to slip even further into the sack with Big Tech, specifically Facebook, to monitor what THEY consider “problematic posts” that THEY DEEM as “misinformation” vis-a-vis Covid, vaccines, etc.

ARE.  YOU.  F*CKING.  KIDDING.  ME?????? Continue reading