So, I was perusing the internet the other day…no, porn was not involved, although there’s not much daylight between that and politics these days…and I quite by accident came across something that really…like, REALLY…spoke to me.
And most likely, 99% of all Trump supporters.
It was this REALLY long tweet by some dude, Darryl Cooper, whose Twitter name is “MartyrMade,” has a few hundred thousand followers, does podcasts, etc, pretty impressive.
I feel like I should know who this guy is, but I don’t.
Anyway, he seems to perfectly capture the evolution of the psyche of a Trump supporter. Just read it…you’ll see what I mean. As a bonus, there are many “truths” referenced that are sure to trigger unabated leg-wetting from the TDS crazies…and what can be more fun than that?!
And for the record…I had decided to do this BEFORE I saw Tucker Carlson read this thing on the air a few days ago. Trump even mentioned it at CPAC in Dallas. Burst my bubble of originality.
Oh well…great minds think alike, I guess.
Even if you’ve seen it, it’s worth an encore…