Biden, Borders, Blowhards…and Britney

FREE BRITNEY!  Something we can all embrace.  Always digged that chick.

Just had to get that off my chest.

Remember that old music video when she rocked that schoolgirl uniform, and…oh wait…that rap is for my other blog…Perverted Fifty-Somethings.

Moving along…here’s the 947 things that pissed me off last week.   JUST KIDDING!  Only four…

Bumbling Biden’s incoherence and pathetic weakness at the recent G-7 summit was a cringeworthy embarrassment for the country.  His handlers did somersaults making sure President Dementia didn’t have to occupy the same stage as Putin in a joint press conference.

Leader of the free world, my ass.  This comatose geriatric couldn’t friggin’ run Paco’s Taco’s food truck.

Barely a mention of China, the world’s biggest threat, and they all got big raging woodies (or female equivalent) championing a 15% GLOBAL MINIMUM TAX for corporations.  Hmmm…Open borders and handing over taxing authority to a bunch of Commie Globalists.

This sick Leftist fetish of defecating on every aspect of our sovereignty makes me want to heave up my Corn Flakes.  And I don’t even eat corn flakes.

Another President Poopy-Pants item…as many big blue cities more resemble Mogadishu these days than America, Biden gets out of bed the other day to squint his way thru yet another incoherent teleprompter speech to declare more gun control will fix the exploding crime problem.

What a f*cking broken record.

It sure as shit ain’t the culture of crime created by his America-hating ideological brethren with their defund the police movements, no-bail policies, and Far Left bleeding heart DA’s and judges gleefully keeping scumbag criminals on the street with flaccid prosecution and sentencing practices.

NOPE.  JOE SAYS IT’S THE GUNS.  Jesus, what a goddamn lie. 

When one of these Marxist A-Holes has their wife or daughter raped, murdered, and burned in a field because of their own bleeding-heart, criminal coddling crap, maybe, just maybe, they’ll change their tune.  Sadly, I doubt it.

So what we’ve learned, class, is that Joe’s conceptual approach to crime could also eradicate the obesity epidemic…if we just ban forks.

My advice?  Sell your Weight Watchers stock.  NOW!

Top contender for Joke of the Week is that horrid broad Comma La FINALLY traveling to “the border”…an illusion that would make David Copperfield green with envy.  She went to El Paso, 700 miles from the Rio Grande Valley where all the action is.  What an insult.  No way she’d go anywhere near ground zero with a bunch of reporters and photographers in tow.

Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad optics.  

It’s like on 9-11, if Bush 43 traveled to Atlanta to tour the damage.  Huh?  

As Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said, “She’s going to the wrong area…I don’t think they want [illegals] crossing behind her in a camera shot.”

DEMOCRATIC Texas congressman Henry Cuellar simply called it a “check the box” trip.

And National Border Patrol Council VP Art Del Queto called Harris’s bullshit faux visit to the border, a “slap in the face” to Border Patrol agents.

This trip was about one thing and one thing only…oh sure, polling is in the shitter vis-a-vis the Biden Administration’s handling of the border crisis…ya know, the one THAT THEY F*CKING CREATED?  But that ain’t it.  Because they’ve proven ad nauseam they don’t give a rat’s ass about public opinion here.

This week, the Orange Devil himself, the Grand Poobah of Mar-A-Lago, will be traveling to the REAL border with other GOP’ers to meet with Texas Governor Greg Abbott.  No way in holy hell he was EVER getting down there before the cackling hyena.


It’s the typical Dumbocrat M.O.  They take us for blind, drooling idiots.  All of us knuckle-dragging, bottom-feeding rubes in flyover country.  I guess in the end, I’d rather be that than an evil, despicable, America-hating, scumbag.  Because one day, Karma’s gonna f*ck these people up. 


And I’ll be there in all my glory, gleefully enjoying every wonderful minute of it.

This next one’s the best, Jerry.  THE BEST!

Sheldon Whitehouse, pompous Lefty Democrat Senator from Rhode Island, belongs to some ultra-exclusive private beach club in his home state that…even in this day and age…is all white.

Except, in all likelihood, for the folks serving this uppity schmuck his stupid shrimp cocktails and martinis with a twist, that is.

He’s been a member for decades.  According to a recent NY Post article, “When the Rhode Island Senator…initially ran for office [in 2006], he disavowed his membership and pledged to quit the club.”

He didn’t, of course.  Liar, liar, piece of shit hypocrite on fire.

When challenged again on his membership in the club in 2017, and again recently, he gives a blow-off, FU answer.  “I think the people who are running the place are still working on that.”

Still working on that?  STILL WORKING ON THAT?!?!  

Like Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas couldn’t be a member of your racist f*cking snobatorium???

The mind-numbing hypocrisy comes from Whitehouse billing himself as a proud, unwavering progressive and outspoken critic of the Marxist lie better known as….


It’s like Jeffrey Dahmer showing complete and utter disgust for Ted Bundy’s serial killing proclivities.

I’ve seen this condescending jerk-off in action in countless Senate hearings.  Trust me…he’s the premier pompous pontificating progressive putz on the planet.  And the competition is stiffer than the Viagra clinical trials.

My favorite part of all this?  This hypocritical blowhard’s name is actually “Whitehouse.”

The best, Jerry.  THE BEST.

1 thought on “Biden, Borders, Blowhards…and Britney

  1. Tom

    It’s the Economy, Stupid.

    Until Real Republicans abandon the culture wars and focus on the fundamental Republican policy issues, we (Real Republicans) will not regain sufficient political clout to make a difference. We don’t need to waste our time and energy on inflammatory rhetoric. Make Republicans Great Again.


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