Daily Archives: June 28, 2021

Biden, Borders, Blowhards…and Britney

FREE BRITNEY!  Something we can all embrace.  Always digged that chick.

Just had to get that off my chest.

Remember that old music video when she rocked that schoolgirl uniform, and…oh wait…that rap is for my other blog…Perverted Fifty-Somethings.

Moving along…here’s the 947 things that pissed me off last week.   JUST KIDDING!  Only four…

Bumbling Biden’s incoherence and pathetic weakness at the recent G-7 summit was a cringeworthy embarrassment for the country.  His handlers did somersaults making sure President Dementia didn’t have to occupy the same stage as Putin in a joint press conference.

Leader of the free world, my ass.  This comatose geriatric couldn’t friggin’ run Paco’s Taco’s food truck.

Barely a mention of China, the world’s biggest threat, and they all got big raging woodies (or female equivalent) championing a 15% GLOBAL MINIMUM TAX for corporations.  Hmmm…Open borders and handing over taxing authority to a bunch of Commie Globalists.

This sick Leftist fetish of defecating on every aspect of our sovereignty makes me want to heave up my Corn Flakes.  And I don’t even eat corn flakes. Continue reading