Fake Narrative Failures

How obvious is it that I’m absolutely obsessed and outraged about fake media narratives?

Exposing them is as much a staple of this blog as Michael Moore fat jokes.  

Speaking of which…Michael Moore is so fat, when he puts on a yellow raincoat, people shout out “taxi!”  And he’s so fat, he has to use a boomerang to put on his belt.

Never gets old.

Anyway, back to fake media narratives…

Of course, it’s the Orange Devil that’s the recipient of most…even today.

One very weird dynamic of this is that folks on the Left, or the Never Trumpers on the Right…will generally not even acknowledge when 99% of these narratives go SPLAT!…like a water balloon dropped from a 12th story window by some Eddie Haskell-like delinquent.

They play this bizarre intellectual zero sum game of sorts, whereby acknowledging even obviously failed narratives somehow automatically equates to a tacit approval of Trump…and vice versa.

Same dynamic with demonstrably successful Trump policies, by the way.

One of my all-time faves was just hours into Trump’s presidency, White House Correspondent for Time Magazine, Zeke Miller (now with AP), erroneously (read: dishonestly) reported that Trump removed the bust of Martin Luther King Jr. from the Oval Office.

Complete BS, of course.  And he knew it.

But he gleefully reported it anyway.  Miller later claimed the bust was “obscured by a door and an agent.”

Yeah, Zeke.  Sure it was.  He subsequently issued numerous apologies for the “error.”

A few of the other greatest hits you’ll no doubt affectionately recall…

  • Trump said white supremacists were “fine people.”  To be sure, he referred to folks on both sides of the Confederate Statue debate as “fine people,” but then said, “I’m not talking about the neo-Nazi’s and white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally.”   Even the Lib media pukes themselves finally acknowledged the obvious, yet inconceivably, some people still spew this crap.
  • Trump ignored Russian bounties on U.S. soldiers.  There was scant evidence of this from the get-go as Trump and the intelligence folks indicated, but leg-wetting ensued nonetheless.  The New York Times, of all people, later released a report on this…exposing the BS…noting the aforementioned lack of evidence.
  • Trump referred to illegal immigrants as “animals.”  Trump, of course, was responding to a specific question related to MS-13…who, are in fact, unequivocally…effing animals.  Eventually, outlets like CNN, AP, and NYT reluctantly relented on this fiction.
  • The Russian collusion hoax/witch hunt.   The Granddaddy Of Them All (sorry Rose Bowl).  No explanation required…right, Hillary?  Mr. Ed’s already been beaten to death on this one and sent to the glue factory long ago.

These are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.  And Trump’s pretty much batting a thousand.  Damn impressive.  I mean, way back in 1941, Ted Williams only hit .406, right?

Remember when the dough boy media wimps crapped their skivvies as they were reporting how that miscreant Trump sicked the police and military on poor protestors, with tear-gas and rubber bullets, to clear Lafayette Park near the White House, for a photo op at St. John’s Episcopal Church?

The church that, ya know, was almost burned to the ground the night before by those patriotic, law-abiding, constitution loving, PEACEFUL protesters?

Anyway, a report released last week by Interior Department Inspector General Mark Greenblatt found that Park Police were given the go-ahead to use non-lethal crowd control munitions several hours before anyone knew anything about a potential presidential visit to the area.

NBC News…that bastion of conservatism…reported that the Inspector General said the park was actually being cleared of protesters so that anti-scale fencing could be installed.

I reckon this was to prevent the arsonists masquerading as “peaceful protestors” from finishing the job the next night.

Another fake narrative bites the dust…with apologies to the GREAT Freddie Mercury, God rest his soul.

To get REAL current with events, I give you the Wuhan Lab Leak Theory, branded a “conspiracy theory” by the media, Democrats, many scientists, and social media companies…the latter breathtakingly going so far as to literally censor any reference to this.

Straight-up Fascism.  Textbook.  (Recently…and embarrassingly…reversed).

So let me get this straight…this virus explodes in Wuhan, China.  And in that very same Wuhan, China, they have this thing called the Wuhan Institute of Virology that does a lot of experiments…Frankenstein shit…on deadly viruses.  So, simply the mere SUGGESTION that the virus just MIGHT have escaped from this lab is a racist conspiracy theory?

The height of political absurdity.  But if Trump said it?  GODDAMN RIGHT IT’S A RACIST CONSPIRACY THEORY!!!

And now, ALL the Trump-hating, China loving, lying assholes are scrambling to backtrack as it becomes a near certainty that the virus escaped from the lab.

Anyway…more on this one in the future.  This story is evolving, has massive legs, and people are going down…possibly even that little troll Fauci…WAY more of a self-serving, partisan bureaucrat than a friggin’ doctor, if you ask me.  

In my best Ricky Ricardo voice…”Fauci has a lot of splainin’ to do!”

I’ll close with three realities…

  • The ramping up of fake narratives in the Age of Trump hasn’t slowed down one iota in the Post Trump era.
  • The modus operandi of these evil leftist media frauds lies in the knowledge that 50 million people will consume the fake news, but only 50 thousand will see the correction/retraction a year later, buried deep in the bowels of some website, or below the fold on page 22, right next to the underwear ads.  So…mission accomplished!
  • The louder the media screams that “something” is right wing or Fox News conspiracy theory, the more likely that “something” turns out to be true.

Feel free to apply that last reality to the stolen election.

2 thoughts on “Fake Narrative Failures

  1. Tom

    There have been fewer and fewer Trump stories and that will continue, unless he’s indicted. So, I guess you’re right. There will be a lot of Trump stories in the future.

  2. Taco Pepper

    The beauty of the Trump failure was that he himself, and not some media distortion, documented how absolutely stupid he was every single day on his Twitter feed. I wish you lots of luck defending that four year run of constant idiocy. If you need a little supplement, add in some of his brilliant video footage of and you really have something to be proud of. His use of the Sharpie, household bleach, and his continued insistence he won the 2020 election when he got destroyed are all quite entertaining.

    The sooner you and other Republicans move on from this clown, the sooner you will have hope again in national elections. A vocal and active majority of people in the country think Trump is a complete and total joke, and since he defeated HRC in 2016, he has done nothing but lose.


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