Journalistic Shackles

And now for something completely different…

THAT phrase, of course, from the old Monty Python guys…yet another ancient reference from someone equally ancient.

So, never really talked about this before, but in addition to writing this sometimes offensive, often provocative, always brilliant blog…haha…I am part of a group of local folks that write a couple of short, 100 word weekly opinion pieces for our beloved hometown liberal rag, The Orlando Sentinel.  Hence the name “Central Florida 100.”

Locals call it “The Slantinel.”  Quite accurately, I might add.

They describe us writers as “influential leaders in the community.”

OK, you’ve made your point, you can stop laughing now.  Clearly, I am neither influential, nor a leader.  An obnoxious follower would be more like it.

Anyway, I’ve sort of parlayed my involvement in that into periodically submitting longer form commentaries, roughly the length of a blog post.  In the past three months, I’ve gotten two guest columns published…one just last week.

Look at me…a “real” writer.  Well, in my feeble mind.  My mother must be so proud.  Of course that pride is tenuous as I also still giggle like a 12-year-old when someone says “Bangkok.”

So…with apologies to those folks I know that may have already read those…I thought it might be both funny and interesting to provide links to those commentaries, not just because you might find them worth reading, but to experience The Drunken Republican totally restrained with such inescapable journalistic shackles, even Houdini would be rendered powerless.

As different as night and day.  Or Michael Moore and, well, ANYONE skinny.

This is something those newspaper editors have in common with my wife…they let me get away with ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

And as someone always looking for shortcuts, it provides me with an easy week of writing.  Call me lazy…I’ll proudly own that.

Anyway, the subjects of the two commentaries are voter suppression and critical race theory.  As you might expect, I enthusiastically crap on both.  ENJOY!

2 thoughts on “Journalistic Shackles

  1. Tom

    Enjoyed both commentaries, even though you usually get it wrong. I think the Drunken Republican is ready for its own Podcast. Imagine, 30-60 minutes of this stuff every week.

    1. The Drunken Republican Post author

      I’m not sure the world is ready for that. Or me. So it sounds like you think prudent election security measures equate to voter suppression, and you’re down with teaching 6 year old little white kids they are racist oppressors. Interesting…to each his own, I suppose.


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