Daily Archives: June 7, 2021

Journalistic Shackles

And now for something completely different…

THAT phrase, of course, from the old Monty Python guys…yet another ancient reference from someone equally ancient.

So, never really talked about this before, but in addition to writing this sometimes offensive, often provocative, always brilliant blog…haha…I am part of a group of local folks that write a couple of short, 100 word weekly opinion pieces for our beloved hometown liberal rag, The Orlando Sentinel.  Hence the name “Central Florida 100.”

Locals call it “The Slantinel.”  Quite accurately, I might add.

They describe us writers as “influential leaders in the community.”

OK, you’ve made your point, you can stop laughing now.  Clearly, I am neither influential, nor a leader.  An obnoxious follower would be more like it. Continue reading