If The Racist Shoe Fits, Lightfoot…

If there was any doubt that this China virus…Wuhan Flu…COVID crapola is behind us, look no further than last weekend’s PGA Championship in South Carolina.

Absolutely monstrous crowds, packed in like drunken sardines, shoulder to shoulder, hardly a mask to be found.   

Like J Lo galvanting on the beach…a beautiful sight, indeed.  Sans A-Rod, of course

TAKE THAT!!!  Biden, Comma-La, Fauci, Marxist Governors…and the rest of you science denying, authoritarian A-Holes that still prance around outside, virtue-signaling alone in a field, donning seven layers of big dopey masks.

Effing idiots.

Anyway…I can’t invoke last week’s PGA Championship without congratulating Phil Mickelson for not only his epic victory, but becoming the oldest dude to ever win a major golf tournament…just a few weeks shy of his 51st birthday.

Chalk one up for the old farts.  Now pass the Metamucil.

Being a southpaw, they call Mickelson “Lefty.”

See?  Not ALL “Lefty’s” are bad.  Just 99.99999999% of ‘em.

And speaking of bad Lefty’s…

It’s bad enough the Left in this country endlessly perpetuates the Big Lie of systemic racism, but their answer to that misguided, partisan belief is consistently more racism.

Case in point – Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, an African-American, has declared she will only grant “interviews with journalists of color.”

Pretty f*cking racist, no?  She ACTUALLY said that out loud?  Wow.  How stupid.  It appears Mad Maxine Waters has finally met her intellectual equal.

Her reasoning?  In her own words…

It’s a shame that in 2021,  the City Hall press corps is overwhelmingly White in a city with more than half of the city identifies as Black, Latino, AAPI, or Native American.”

Yeah, and 90% of the NBA is black.  So what’s your point?

One of the female Latino reporters who was granted an interview saw through this blatant racism and told Lightfoot to go pound sand and declined the interview.

A rare display of integrity from a journalist.  Color me shocked.

Even former Democratic Congresswoman from Hawaii and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard entered the fray, tweeting in part…”Mayor Lightfoot’s blatant anti-white racism is abhorrent…Our leaders must condemn all racism, including anti-white.”

And for speaking THAT truth, she instigated a massive, yet predictable, flow of leg-wetting from the Commie Dough Boy Gender Confused Twitter Wussies.

A shrinking violet Gabbard is not.  There are a few…VERY FEW…Dems I sorta like, and she’s one of them.

Me thinks Lightfoot ought to spend her time and energy dealing with the perennial killing fields of Chicago and the deadliest weekend of the year last week, which saw at least 12 murdered and 42 wounded…and a murder rate almost quintuple the national average…instead of spending one nanosecond obsessing about the goddamn skin color of journalists.

Honestly, they ought to throw her incompetent, racist ass out of office.

This Leftist idea that every speck of society must be apportioned based on race and gender is offensive, naively asinine, fantasy…and, yes…racist as hell.

Isn’t this completely antithetical to the “meritocracy” concept upon which America was built that made us second to none?

If it isn’t obvious to you by now that the Leftists who see everything…and I mean everything…through the prism of race, are the REAL honest to goodness racists in this country…then you’re either in a coma, a drunken stupor, or stoned to the bejeezus like Snoop Dog and Willie Nelson “rolled” into one.

Or maybe your brain’s just rotted from watching too much MSNBC.

The screaming irony, of course, is that these Lefty media outlets who wail the loudest about “diversity” seem to be the ones hiring MOSTLY WHITE FRIGGIN’ JOURNALISTS!!!

Just another example of the typical Liberal “Rules for thee, not for me” Mantra.

Jesus, if every journalist and editorial board in the country doesn’t scream bloody murder about this, then they are as racist as Mayor Lightfoot.

Let this be a lesson to those that put “Black Racists” in the same category as the Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny.

Ya think “Black Racists” don’t exist?  Go study people like Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, and the founders of the Marxist BLM Organization, then come talk to me.

In the end, I cannot think of a bigger affront to Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision of a color-blind society.

A man who ultimately gave his life in that noble pursuit.

To me, THAT is the saddest part of all this.

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