Daily Archives: May 27, 2021

If The Racist Shoe Fits, Lightfoot…

If there was any doubt that this China virus…Wuhan Flu…COVID crapola is behind us, look no further than last weekend’s PGA Championship in South Carolina.

Absolutely monstrous crowds, packed in like drunken sardines, shoulder to shoulder, hardly a mask to be found.   

Like J Lo galvanting on the beach…a beautiful sight, indeed.  Sans A-Rod, of course

TAKE THAT!!!  Biden, Comma-La, Fauci, Marxist Governors…and the rest of you science denying, authoritarian A-Holes that still prance around outside, virtue-signaling alone in a field, donning seven layers of big dopey masks.

Effing idiots.

Anyway…I can’t invoke last week’s PGA Championship without congratulating Phil Mickelson for not only his epic victory, but becoming the oldest dude to ever win a major golf tournament…just a few weeks shy of his 51st birthday.

Chalk one up for the old farts.  Now pass the Metamucil. Continue reading