Oy Vey!

Ah, so many Biden clusterf*cks on which to opine, so little time.

You see, reversing  EVERYTHING Trump did, when EVERYTHING Trump did worked out quite swimmingly, thank you very much, was quite the retarded strategy, and doomed from the get-go, like a defective condom.


Anyway…speaking of clusterf*cks, there’s no bigger clusterf*ck in the Milky Way than the Hatfields and McCoys of the Middle East, the Israelis and the Palestinians.


I know, I know…not a sexy subject like Lady Gaga and the meat dress she rocked at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards.

But a subject that has always stuck in my craw.

And if there was EVER a subject both sides of the political aisle SHOULD wholeheartedly agree on, this would be it.

This is the ultimate “Pelosi”…a no-brainer, that is.

A little recent history…Trump leaves office after crafting policies that resulted in a slew of historic brokered peace agreements between Israel and several Arab countries…the Abraham Accords…isolating Iran and continuing crushing economic sanctions against them.

Put those terrorist bastards on the ropes, like Chuck Wepner flailing against Muhammad Ali.

Chuck who?…said everyone under 55.

Enter President Squinty, who along with Sec of State John “Herman Munster” Kerry, inexplicably run to Iran to satisfy their sickening totalitarian fetish…ew…and set the stage for another horrible nuclear deal, where we will again give them pallets of cash they will use to fund terror…and not a goddamn thing in return.

Note to self:  Don’t have these assholes negotiate the deal on my next Toyota.

Anyway, we all know the drill.  With a flaccid, senile Democrat in the WH, an emboldened Iran, funds and plays Geppetto to the terrorist group Hamas, who proceeds to hammer Israel with an endless barrage of missiles.

Unprovoked, as always.

As Israel fights back like a rabid dog…HOW DARE THEY!!!…the far left anti-Semitic subversives scream bloody murder.

Remember when Trump used to say, “Hit me, and I’ll hit you back ten times harder?”

He clearly lifted that line from Israel.  Israel brings the phrase “Bas Ass” to a whole new level.

Meanwhile, Biden dithers, refusing to deliver a full-throated defense of critical ally Israel, as he has to continue to fondle the far left flank of his party that got him “elected.”

There’s a solid reason that Bob Gates, Secretary of Defense under both Republican and Dem presidents, wrote in a book that Biden was wrong on every major foreign policy issue for 40+ years.

AND THE STREAK CONTINUES!  YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!…with apologies to Marv Albert.

Showing ANY deference to Hamas…a terrorist organization backed by, and a pawn of, Iran…is like backing Hitler in WWII…The Big One!, as Archie Bunker used to say.

Yet most Democrats…and surely all far left progressives…kiss their ass, and shit on Israel.  And always have.

So unfathomable, it’s dizzying.

In defending itself, Israel goes out of their way to hit weapons and leadership only.  If civilians are in harms way, they warn them before pulling the trigger.

Conversely, Hamas…as terrorists do…aggressively target civilians.  And use their OWN people as human shields to ensure civilian casualties.

Right on cue, the world class Socialist, anti-Semitic members of the so-called “Squad” crawled out from under their vermin-infested rock to predictably cheer on the terrorists.

While they ALL sniffed-out microphones from which to flap their overly-rouged lips…Lefty Michigan Congresswoman Rashida Talib, who clearly has misplaced her anti-psychotic meds, claimed the Israeli government is guilty of “promoting racism and dehumanization” under an “apartheid system” that discriminates against Palestinians.

Have you ever heard such offensive drivel in your life?  Israel promotes racism, and is an apartheid system?  The only democracy in that whole vile Middle East shit hole?

I’m not sure if I have more disdain for these nauseating wacko pieces of shit in a skirt…who have precisely zero business being within 500 f*cking miles of the Capitol building…or the brain-dead dumbasses that voted for them.

Eh…Let’s call it a jump ball.

Anyway…not dismissing the complexities of historical territory disputes and the seemingly endless Israeli/Palestinian conflict…but for shit’s sake, there simply isn’t two sides to whether Israel should be able to defend itself against a terrorist group whose sole purpose in life is wiping Israel off the map.

Yet for decades and decades, the unaccountable Left clings to this insane, evil notion that Israel’s the bad guy for defending its people against thousands of unprovoked missile attacks.

Let me get this straight…someone wants to destroy you…literally…and you’re supposed to just let them?  I don’t think so.

I did rather enjoy a tweet from the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces), showing the evil, bearded faces of some of the top Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders…

They were responsible for the rocket attacks against Israel in the last 72 hours.  They will never plan another terror attack again”

And beautifully added that they have been “neutralized.”   BAHAHAHAHAHA!

Total bad ass?  You be the judge.

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