Help Wanted

Desperate times call for desperate measures.  True dat.

This was evidenced last week, when Biden’s handlers…which purportedly includes his day nurse…shoved him out in front of the cameras to squint and stutter his way through the usual myriad of left wing lies loaded into his teleprompter, sporting the usual extremely oversized font.

AND even take a few questions from his fawning, butt-smooching press.

They are typically loathe to expose Biden like this.  And we all know why.  Shit, can you blame them?  The desperation was palpable, to say the least.

But this is the kind of thing that happens when economists are expecting almost a million jobs in the newly released jobs report…but you come in at 266,000.

A swing and a miss of epic proportions…like if I stepped to the plate against Tom Seaver in his prime.  Uh…OK…even NOT in his prime. 

So…Here are the realities that Biden, the Grand Poobah of the “Are You Gonna Believe Me or Your Lyin’ Eyes” party, tried to deny…

The endless enhanced unemployment benefits…AND the Gestapo Goons running these blue states, total subservient bitches to their teachers union masters, STILL keeping many schools locked down tighter than a 15th century chastity belt…have draped a blanket soaked with sticky black tar over the job market.

Businesses all over the country…particularly in the hospitality space…simply cannot get folks to work that are making as much or more money via government checks than they would busting their humps in a friggin’ greasy spoon 40 hours a week.


Yeah…who needs that shit when you can sit home watching Netflix and Jerry Springer reruns all day, all the while swilling some cheap suds.

And the schools?  Keeping them closed either full or part time prevents tons of parents from working, as they are forced to stay chained to their kitchen table to supervise the rug rats as they soak up their shitty faux education via Zoom.

Just as Biden’s open border policies have destroyed what was once the “southern border,” his asinine policies with regard to COVID are squashing jobs.

Not just HIS policies, mind you, but also the policies of his authoritarian blue state buddies…who, in addition to keeping schools shuttered, are opening businesses up slower than Michael Moore lumbers his jiggly ass over to the fridge during every commercial to stuff his pie hole with more saturated fat.

Maybe Good Old Joe needs to open up his own restaurant so he can comprehend the results of crap government policies that provide disincentives to work.

Joe’s Commie Kitchen, maybe?  EAT AT JOE’S!

I can see the menu now…Lefty Linguine…Pinko Panko-Crusted Salmon…Socialist Swiss Burger.

Anyway…Biden didn’t just take this opportunity to take the racist rubes in flyover country for drooling morons…he used it as unequivocal PROOF!!! that we need to spend trillions MORE to stimulate the economy.

A post-pandemic economy, by the way, that is slated to rock & roll with GDP growth of 8% to 10% by doing absolutely nothing.  Nada.  Zippo.  Zilch.

Other than full-on opening of businesses and schools, that is.

So, when asked by a reporter whether the enhanced benefits had anything to do with the job slow down, President Rigor Mortis has the gall to look the nation in the eye and say, “No, nothing measurable.”

And a few days later, blathers, “We don’t see much evidence.”

Liar, liar, Depends on fire.

Let’s see who begs to differ…

Goldman Sachs begs to differ.  They issued a statement which says, in part…”labor supply appears to be tighter than the unemployment rate suggests, likely reflecting the impact of unusually generous unemployment benefits and lingering virus related impediments to working.”

No shit, Sherlock.  Helen Keller after a weekend bender could see this.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics begs to differ.  Their Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS) showed a record 8.1 million job openings in March.  Further, a recent Wall Street Journal editorial questions, “In leisure and hospitality, job openings increased by a whopping 267,000, but hires declined by 6,000.  Hmmm.”

And most importantly….Ya know who else begs to differ with our Weekend at Bernie’s President?  Every goddamn business all over the country that can’t find workers…and, generally speaking, anyone not in a friggin’ coma.

But Dementia Boy f*cking gets away with it simply because his media and Silicon Valley boot-licking advocates, who spend every waking hour pleasuring him under the Resolute Desk, let him.

In a rare positive development, a bunch of the problem-solving red states are refusing the enhanced benefit money from the Feds…while the problem-creating blue states proudly beg for endless handouts.

This should surprise precisely no one.

And lest anyone try to put words in my mouth and dishonesty mischaracterize what I’m saying…I’m NOT disparaging folks that are deciding to stay home to collect enhanced unemployment benefits in ANY way…nor am I calling them lazy.

I’m simply calling them rational.

2 thoughts on “Help Wanted

  1. Taco Pepper

    I guess since you live in a “red” state, none of these problems must exist. That’s AWESOME!!

  2. Taco Pepper

    That being said, I don’t disagree with many of your premises here. I do think it’s funny how suddenly unpopular any kind of economic stimulus is with the GOP AFTER the election. Before November, Cheeto Jesus was BEGGING Congress to spend more money in a desperate attempt to buy back the election he was well on his way to fixing.

    GOP = Deficit hawks… whenever they are out of office. Otherwise, it’s free tax cuts and spend increases for everyone!!!

    WOO HOO! Whose missing all that free money you were handed starting in 2017?


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